Terror Hunter

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sh hunter.vpk

(11.7 MB)

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Version 0.0 Complete

  • Mod
    Festive Hunting Rifle

    Festive Hunting Rifle. Installation: Use either of these install guides. GameInfo Method: How to CORRECTLY install mods Addons Method: Fastest way to install any mods in L4D1! I also recommend patching your game with the 4gb...

  • Guide
    Fastest way to install any mods in L4D1!

    Most people think installing or modding L4D1 is hard but in reality it's really easy! This guide will help you to install any L4D mods the easiest way! Step 1: Unpacking the Main VPK Step 1.1 Download GCFScape this application is need ...

  • 4 Maps
    Dead Center: L4D1 Edition

    This is a port of Dead Center to the original Left 4 Dead for the HardA server. This is not an exact port of the campaign and has some changes to ensure stability and compatibility. Note: The particles can sometimes not work, I have y...

  • 5 Maps
    Clamtol: Dead Air

    However, this isn't one of those cheap conversions that stick a few ladders in, throw some new items in and say 'Hey I'm new!'. I am adding 33-50% more gameplay area to each map, with a focus on versus SI fun.



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