Reviews for Chernobyl: Chapter One

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    • OWM2_M_B

      Posted this review



      This review is based on version 1.05. Get it from ModDB or Steam Workshop
      Finished in 1 hour 15 minutes, restarted 3 times, on Single Player Realism Expert, with an old version of Left 4 Bots 2 enabled.
      It has the most incredible details I've ever seen in L4D2, but the gameplay, well, is not that great. If you know the right path well, then the only thing you need to worry about is the CI. The number of them are horrible! Tanks are also common, but not that depressing, because the map design makes it not very difficult to fight with them. Talking about the design, well... I have to say the only fun is to kill zombies. Maybe the author just wants you to enjoy the sights.
      Overall it's an epic campaigns, but the author left too many issues unsolved in this campaign... Tanks can get stuck somewhere on the fourth map, CI would spawn in places you've already explored, and you can easily receive a "no free edicts" error when the game is changing level to the fourth map... Due to these issues, it's not a perfect campaign in my mind. Sorry, but just 9/10.

      Edited: 4 weeks ago

    • SMFX

      Posted this review



    • Godzio

      Posted this review


      Czarnobyl: rozdział pierwszy

      Świetna Kampania - Map. Spełniła wszystkie moje oczekiwania pozytywnie
      Oczywiście tylko poziom Ekspert . Śmiało Polecam
      Dziękuje. Proszę o więcej takich Kampania - Map

      Edited: 3 weeks ago

    • WuChan

      Posted this review


      a good challenge map

      It gave me despair vibe because the map is kinda really difficult when lacking of supplies, horde is larger than normal, not really suitable for single player.
    • MaThaiLoc

      Posted this review


      extremely difficult map

      Chapter Two ??? pls..
    • CreamTheHorse

      Posted this review



      Great map, good graphics, nice atmosphere, and challenging, the school quest pretty difficult, the fake safe house got me, little bit of tank spam at the last chapter, overall 9/10
    • youtae

      Posted this review


      The best quality map.

      This map has the best quality of the environment.
      This version is not the latest version. The latest version is uploaded to the Steam Workshop, but it also has a lot of errors and crashes.
      I played this map made by mixing this and optimized version in the Workshop and there were no errors.
      It was the best experience. Although the number of zombies was excessive, the fact that it is a really good map remains unchanged.
    • 1181796

      Posted this review


      Great map, shit gameplay

      Well, we cant deny its a fantatic detailed map. 100% like Pripyat. They really had hard work to make it. But, we do not play only for details. This map is so boring, insane zombies, zombies and zombies. We are in soviet union, but we have only Uzi's and shotguns the whole game until the end? No way. My 1 star is for the poor gameplay, its not cool to play this map, i would never play it again.
    • Thisusername****s_official

      Posted this review


      beautiful campaign but....

      all right ill start with this , its a beautiful campaign with a awesome soundtrack and all but during the rescue where you are supposed to survive 4x 60+ zombie attacks + 3x tank attacks with limited resources , (and thats just before the port opens now you have to defeat 2 more tanks & 1-3 waves x 60+ more zombies) is just barbaric , ive tried playing the ending 4x times now & i cant even get past the port without all the zombies killing my teammembers & me
      Beautiful scenery 
      soundtrack is well made 
      daylight scenario 
      well thought out puzzles 
      Ending is too hard even for a guy that likes to play normal difficulty 
      resources are strewn here & there (weapons in one room & med kits & ammos in another) 
      spawning 60+ zombies with not even 20 seconds intervals 
      ending was hard even on easy difficulty 
      maybe fix these cons & it will be good for everyone :)
      • I cleared the finale 4 times in normal difficulty though. There are some good spot to defend there where survivors can focus on shooting & they are surrounded by walls. Try to look for those spots. & have you prepared the necessary items to go through the zombies? There's vomitjar, use that during rescue time & you'll more likely be fine. & if playing with some people, make them bring vomitjars too & ignore the tank during rescue time. I used that vomitjar tactic & I could lead my friend safely into the rescue gate.
        & for the supplies, there's a trick. Have you ever tried to juggle the supplies? For example, if you have different set of carried items from the supplies at the center, you can press E while running backward fast to make item/ weapon drop backward. The farther it drops the better it is. Repeat that several times until you have enough supplies & weapons to defend at certain location. That's also one of my tactics when I want to defend at certain good spot without worrying about running out of supplies & ammo.
    • beckyabc

      Posted this review


      Campaign looked good but it lags a lot and crashes, I have very few mods on

      Had issues with crashing on almost every level
      • Try to check your few mods. I also used few mods of mine during my play 4 times alone & with friends, with high graphic settings too, & none of us encountered crash in any levels of this campaign. & also try to check special infected skin mods if you have some of them enabled, because on certain level, there's a different tank. & special infected skin mods can also cause a crash sometimes, like I ever encountered a crash when I used a certain witch skin mod in certain custom campaigns.
    • LilG

      Posted this review


      The full radioactive experience

      Custom environment with textures
      Plenty of places to explore
      The spawns of commons & hordes felt too much on each map,it was worse when you're trying to solve puzzles/collect cans & they just keep coming.
      The puzzle to open the doors using the 3 monitors was a bit unclear,but with trial & error I worked it out.
      The part where collecting the cans to for the barrel was unclear.
      Finale was different but the button to open the inner doors didn't seem to register at first when I was in front of it pressing use.
      It was fun to play.
    • Hec

      Posted this review


      Truly outstanding but with an unfair insane end.

      Well, it's been so long since I played a L4D2 Campaign and this was really cool to play, the whole 5 maps are built excellently, and they feel like they have Valve quality. The first 4 maps are great with a well supply of ammo and weapons,  and also medkits don't scarce most of the time. 
      Everything is great along with some puzzles in the first 4 maps. 
      But then the escape last safe place map was just insane, It was terribly difficult to fulfill on easy skill, I just got killed like 5 times before finish it by cheating. The Tanks strike more than 5 times and there, medkits are scarce, but the most annoying thing is that the zombie hordes don't give a break in any second, they just keep going on and on endlessly so You can't heal yourself and also is impossible to heal your teammates. 
      I hope they can correct the annoying terribly difficult end in order to get a pretty much more pleasant gameplay experience. 
      Anyway, I hope chapter 2 is on the way, and offer some great gameplay time.
    • Blood_Wraith

      Posted this review


      Quality Chernobyl Experience

      A great Chernobyl campaign with excellent mapping.
    • Adeilson_avila

      Posted this review


      The Difficulty is Amazing.

      excelent map, one of the most hard and beautiful custom map in all the history of left 4 dead 2!
    • Ehyn

      Posted this review


      Can't enjoy.

      It's a real good work on the visuals/environment but what makes this unenjoyable are the ridiculous spawns of zombies, mobs, special infected and lack of supplies. Needs balancing.
      • workshop version is too slow for me
      • Update: They balanced and fixed the workshop version of the map so if you wanna play this campaign you better download the workshop version.
    • ArialBurger

      Posted this review



      I LOVE THIS!!! A very simple premise where u get stuck in Chernobyl with zombies and radiations. Most awesome map in terms of realism and adrenaline pumping.
    • kurochama

      Posted this review


      Awesome, great, & I think words aren't enough to explain how cool this masterpiece is

      I took 1 hour & 33 minutes to finish this campaign while exploring. Well, it's one of coolest campaigns I've ever played, probably equal to "Back to School", "Tour of Terror" & other great old custom campaigns, & well-made with high quality. Many features are implemented here, like finding items, scavenge, radioactive areas, radioactive "bombs", tank's challenge, & a special finale. It's a long journey but with lots of fun. The supplies, bot navigation, directions & highlights are all fine. Every map is explorable. But there's one thing that makes me curious until now, gascans for scavenge event that exist on almost every early map.
      Map 1 reminds me about an old long one-map campaign, "Left in Prypiat". It's about journey through abandoned buildings. The weapon supplies are good, as there are hunting rifles near the smgs in the beginning. There are some radioactive "bombs" starting from this map. It's more like a big mushroom with green smoke. Map 2 is also about a long journey through the abandoned buildings like map 1.
      On map 3 finally my curiosity by bringing a scavenge gascan along the map got paid. There's a scavenge event on map 3 with wide area around. I saved some time by carrying one gascan from the beginning of map 3, & all I needed was just finding the rest of gascans. It would take some time to find the gascans, but it's fine as the event starts after filling up the gas. There are many places to camp, including some closed places.
      Map 4 has an event with an alternative option. Because I usually explored a map to look for some supplies, I chose the alternative option. The main one looked like a puzzle-solving event, because the hint said so, while the alternative option was the easier way, I think, because after all items were collected, I just needed to push the highlighted machines one by one.
      The finale is straight to the point. Survivors need to turn on generators required to open the big gate. Once all generators are on, the defense finale starts. There are some tank challenges on the early waves after the horde stops. I forgot how many tank I had faced. I just remember that there were 2 tanks in the beginning, then after special infected came few times, there came a tank again. But the area was so wide that it's still possible to face tank several times. Actually, it would be more fun if it's added with an event when one of the generators is broken & needs repair, just like the official "Crash Course" campaign. Then, after the last wave of tank ended, there came the cool special event. I liked that one, when after entering the gate, we had to defend for awhile against endless horde + SI + one tank per kill...with a mounted gun in a post. It felt like in an epilogue of an action zombie apocalipse movie, when tons of zombie kept coming along with the big one, & we just kept shooting until the gate was closing slowly.
      In short, this campaign is really worth playing, & cool enough to be an official campaign (or even better than the official ones). It shows a really great work of masterpiece. I can't wait to see the next chapter. Thanks for making such a great awesome custom campaign.
    • Jint-H****

      Posted this review


      The scenery is beautiful and very distinctive.

      I went up to the second floor and then down again to the first floor, and the zombies filled again ...
      I hope to remove this because it feels like it is deliberately increasing the difficulty of the game.
      Moreover, there were too few supplies on the road and ammunition was lacking.
      Great map! Keep going!
    • tonyfcw

      Posted this review


      nice map

      nice map

End of results.