Reviews for Road to Deep part 1

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    • Godzio

      Posted this review


      Road to Deep part 1

      Świetna Kampania - Map. Spełniła wszystkie moje oczekiwania pozytywnie
      Oczywiście tylko poziom Ekspert . Śmiało Polecam
      Dziękuje. Proszę o więcej takich Kampania - Map 
      Niestety pojawiaja sie bledy . Nie wspominajac jebnietrych botow stoja i nie pomagaja ratowac w niekturych miejscach stoja i chuj wie na co czekaja.Tak jak by sie zawieszaly.

      Edited: 2 weeks ago

    • OWM2_M_B

      Posted this review




      Edited: 4 weeks ago

    • ErrorUnknownGT

      Posted this review



      Really enjoyable campaign with a fresh coat of assets to give it a fresh feel! Only one problem: the file size is MASSIVE. Coming in at around 7 gigabytes uncompressed! And that alone may be a turn off for some people who want to preserve their harddrive space, but maybe not everyone has this issue. As for the campaign itself, it's great! Only minor issues I encountered were the common spawns being a bit funky at times, they liked to spawn right by the survivors at specific points. And on chapter 4 two of my teammates spawned outside the saferoom (I don't know if it was out of bounds as they were bots) and it took them a while to regroup. As long as this doesn't happen to the entire team or yourself if you're playing solo you can just go idle to teleport if it is out of bounds, but an issues nonetheless. The level design is flawless, game instructor is very helpful and much appreciated, plays like a classic campaign. An epic scene for sure was when my team were in a cramped sewage system and there was commons coming at us from both directions, really cool. The finale is a bit different than usual as you'll only face one tank and a loot of hordes, maybe it's different on higher difficulties. Either way a lot of fun, only downside being the massive file size.
    • a1exMVP

      Posted this review


      Pretty good

      Loads of custom content                                               
      Good length of campaign                                              
      Interesting environments                                               
       -Doors look way too small
       -Few bot nav errors here and there, they would get stuck sometimes                                            
       -The hatch in map 3 was bugged for me, at least I think, couldnt get it to open
      Overall satisfied, I think the final could be improved if the train arrived after some time rather than just being there and opening the doors. I also noticed a missing texture in the 5:th map on an escalator. Thanks for the map and great work :)
      • Oh was not just me then :-)
      • Hatch was screwy for me as well. It opened and I went in, Bot got stuck with charger at bottom of ladder so I went to get him. Bot went in (teleported through) and I couldn't open the door.
    • VoteCrowley1661

      Posted this review



      Yet another stolen unpolished campaign from the workshop without the original creator's permission.
      • Based on what info? The two files on this site are 2.5g compressed. Opened to the 5 files is 6.722 GB. The Workshop shows the file size is only 239.991 MB. Care to explain the difference? I'd also note that the comments (at least the ones in English) noted a ton of issues and apparently unplayable.So prove your point and quit posting crap accusations without adding details. I'd also note when you Post a review you add something more than "it stinks" or "it's stolen". Back it up with some detailed information as otherwise you sound like a baseless fool who should be booted.
      • I see the circus left and the clowns still remained Xd)
    • DHenk

      Posted this review


      Decent Campaign Overall

      Just finished the campaign playing Solo. Overall the graphics are pretty good. The underground areas are the better of the graphics, The surface areas are more of the same "been there done that" style.
      Bot navigation was overall decent. Only a few issues with 2 bots not following but teleporting to me after getting far enough ahead.
      Lets take a look at the 5 maps making up this campaign:
      Map#1  Decent graphics, Bot navigation satisfactory. Bots wouldn't pick up pills or shots so I did and gave them to them
      Map #2 The Bunker has some nice graphics (I'd say the best of the five maps). It's a fairly large map and I didn't cover it all (maybe  next time). Only issue encountered was 2 of the bots (Nick and Rochelle) would not climb down the first map. I had to get far enough away with my redneck Bot until the transported to me. No issues other than that.
      Map #3 "Service Tunnel" had one major issue. When you climb the ladder to enter the safe room the floor hatch closes automatically, One Bot was stuck by a charger so I opened the door and saved him. However when I went up the ladder the hatch would not open. All 3 Bots leaped through it but I was stuck and had to quit, Instead of repeating the level I skipped to map #4.
      Map #4"Sewer Street" There wasn't much to see except some just okay graphics. Over too plain for me. The biggest issue that I wasted 20 minutes on was trying to find the damn key you needed to open the door. I went back to the beginning and did a close search of every room and desk. Didn't find any bodies of guards or workers with it either. So without that key you can't open the door to proceed. I got fed up and quit this map. Might want to put a clue or something because I've played this game for over 10 yrs and seldom found myself stuck like that.
      Map #5 is just a basic Subway platform shoot out. Nothing special that hasn't been done many times before. I had the feeling of Deja Vu. It was the quickest of the 5 maps to complete. 
      So overall I marked it down for those issues noted. If they weren't there I'd have gone higher.
      Anyway thanks for making it and with a few fixes I'd give it a better score.

End of results.