Reviews for Blight Path

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    • OWM2_M_B

      Posted this review

      No politics

      Map quality score: 8.1/10. The author showed his nice mapping ability.
      + Politics = no score
      Like all other campaigns made for the China contest, this campaign didn't show anything real or objective. But in addition, it was also filled with prejudice and slander against China, which made the matter a hundred times more serious.
      If you want to see what Chinese cities actually look like, play Nanning or Zengcheng Guangdong instead. If you insist on being intoxicated by vanity and lies, no one can stop you from playing this.
      不知这网站上的某些国人内心想法如何,到底是政治意识浅薄还是单纯的魔怔键政人?哦,原来这就是Outer World的简中用户啊,真是太让人刮目相看了

      Edited: 6 days ago

    • SMFX

      Posted this review



    • Omega_Weapon

      Posted this review


      Very nice china campa

      Only problem is scarce ammo in lvl 1.You can get guns from soldiers.They are unique idea easy to dispatch.just small nuisance .Finale is unique and kinda hard with zombos coming, while you push dozer.Enough supplis though to deal with that.
      Enyojable campa worth trying out.China style :).
    • hedleyLamar

      Posted this review


      some clever ideas in an average and bland looking campain

      There are some mechanics in here that are worth celebrating, like the soldiers that shoot at you.  I think this is a feature that would be really cool expanded upon in other maps.  But the design of the maps and lighting are really old looking - almost like it is from a game engine that is a full generation back.  The architecture is uninspiring, the paths linear and the lighting dull.  It doesn't have anything near the polish that many other great custom campaigns have.
    • FreeCell

      Posted this review


      One of Perfect Chinese Campaigns

      Custom chinese sound (music)
      Perfect chinese atmosphere
      Classical and descent chinese environments
      Great map design/detail
      Unique and interesting textures/models
      Creative elements (corpse exploring, human soldier enemies, colas and molotovs trade)
      Fresh and perfect item/weapon balance 
      2nd safe-room design in map 2
      Unique finale event
      Perfect Bot's AI/NAV
      No bugs/glitches
      A bit poor ammo (map 1)
      Sometime Bill get stuck at trigger gate (in finale area)
      Incomplete ending credit, NO STAT
    • yhxp84215

      Posted this review



    • Aeo

      Posted this review


      Beware of Soldiers

      1. Having to be aware of soldiers shooting at you is a great addition and is quite unique.
      2. The indoor environments are very well done.
      3. The resources are evenly distributed and is more than enough if  you just know how to explore.
      4. Another unique feature of this map is the finale. It ain't the usual camp and defend or run to the X on the other side of the map.
      1. Missing textures. I know the fix is on the linked content. But having to have that still feels like a con for me.
      2. All the chapters, except the finale are not exactly challenging.
      • The missing content is what valve removed with the cold stream update, thanks for the review
    • l4d2survivor

      Posted this review


      "New and Fun Elements Added"

      Very Interesting and fun gameplay
      Incredible Map Designs
      Human being make it interesting (beware, they will shoot you)
      Nice Atmosphere
      Finale forces you to Multitask
      I cant really think of any worth mentioning ;)
      Really fun campaign
      • only cons I think is this is not Beijing, more like Chinatown:3
    • VergilYamato

      Posted this review


      It's a cool campaign, but this is not Beijing, Man!

      Well.....At first as a Chinese, I have to admit this map is cool and amazing. However, I bet the author you are not Chinese lol. I like this map, but one con made me only give 4 stars:3
      plenty of supply and cool atmosphere
      Police and soldier NPC, yeah
      I love the finale.
      Well, this is the point. is an amazing campaign, is cool. However, this is not Beijing! definitely not Beijing, my hometown is Beijing, though now I'm in Canada,  I can never forget every detail in my hometown,  some indicator showed me this is Hong Kong instead of Beijing, and the design show me this is a Chinatown instead of Beijing......I think buddy you need to study other famous Chinese Map like WanLi or Farewell Chenming, These is a typical Chinese style:3
      All in all, amazing, and I like it~
    • ErrorUnknownGT

      Posted this review



      Perfect campaign. Great map design. No major botnav errors. No glitches/bugs. Nice work.
    • 525389816

      Posted this review



      第一次玩的时候 后边有点难 还行吧。
    • Guest

      Posted this review

      This account has been deleted

    • dwtab96

      Posted this review



      i reallyy enjoyed this campaign.great atmosphere. the chinese soldiers were a nice touch. the finale was fun but challenging. only issue is that there were some missing textures and couldve used some more weapon placements in some areas. overall it was one of the better china maps ive played
    • GeniusGaming

      Posted this review


      Great map!!

      Nice intro!
      The Military... I killed them.
      The generator thing
      At the first map I never thought that the way down is beside the crashed plane. Spent minutes trying to find that hole in the floor.
      • i had that same problem lol
    • 16kuokhc1

      Posted this review


      Great China map, not so great details

      Whilst I have had some great fun with this map (especially with most guns re-skinned as guns used by the Chinese military such as the PPSH and the QBZ-95), it has plenty of bugs.
      Implementation of hostile military, which adds to the bleakness of the campaign.
      Creative ideas
      Good textures (when they're not missing)
      Missing texture
      Button in second map not working, even when everyone is in the cage.
      Military doesn't move.
      I will try this map out WITHOUT the telly tubby skins, and see if that fixes anything.
    • ghosthunter

      Posted this review

      -neat intro and outtro
      -AI that shoots you (though a little to powerful)
      -usage of the soda packs to get something from the cars
      -The ability to build your escape vehicle
      -interesting setting (something unique over the dark and gloomy stuff
      -not that many weapons, ammo, and equipment (molotovs, pipe bombs, bile jars, etc)
      -campaign feels short (in my opinion)
      Overall, despite its 2 cons, it's a pretty fun and solid campaign
    • Zetnus

      Posted this review



      -Nice intro and outtro
      -Soldiers (a bit to strong IMO)
      -You get to build your escape vehicle
      -Custom witch skin


      -General lack of ammo/weapons
      -Some nav issues (the first escalator and the swimming pool come to mind)
      -Many of the stats in the credits don't display correctly


      Overall quite a decent campaign, but with a few rough edges.  Some of the custom stuff could be better implemented, like the cola, which is too far from the cars.  The soldiers are a  bit overpowered, but at least they drop weapons.  The looting is excellent and it would be great to see this in other maps too.
    • ****7_****

      Posted this review



      Great maps
      Enemy soldiers concept
      Looting corpses
      Making molotovs concept


      Enemy soldiers are way too good. If they get the drop on you, they can take you down almost before you even know they're there.
      Didn't seem like the soldiers and the infected tried to kill each other. Doesn't make sense that they ignore each other, especially since the end cutscene shows infected fighting with them.
      Pushing and welding the plow is a little annoying, especially with bots.
      The rescue door opens way too long after the "rescue is here" music/onslaught starts.
      Cars for molotovs are way too far from the cola- makes it tedious to do this.
      Occasionally a bot will stop walking.


      Really good, but really hard. The soldiers really up the difficulty on Map 2, and the finale is crazy hard. Lots of extra stuff thrown in the maps, while still maintaining a l4d2 feel for the most part. I only wish that the soldiers and infected would also fight each other- it would really help deal with the soldiers and makes more sense. Still, great campaign for experienced players.
    • tltlvilus

      Posted this review



      - Nice and big maps
      - Crazy soldiers shooting at you
      - Dead Air related


      - Impossible to complete last map with 2 or 3 bots on realism


      I really felt like playing after Dead Air, i like that mixing with default campaign, soldiers shooting you and dropping AKs is awesome, i wouldnt mind having 5 maps instead 3, even being x-large. The only problem is final map with bots. Please do more chinese maps!
    • YuukiTouma

      Posted this review



      - love the chinese atmosphere
      - the witch wearing a cheongsam! GREAT!
      - the use of L4D1 survivors is suitable
      - free AKs from killing soldiers; hell yeah!
      - nice idea of making molotovs by inserting cola bottles into car petrol engines


      - finale was kind of hard and long
      - having soldiers that can shoot you? really?!


      Neat campaign. However, I think that the soldiers being able to shoot you is rather annoying. Also, the cola bottles idea isn't really such a good one but it's creative because car petrol engines spawn REALLY far from the cola bottles' position and a person would have to carry it all the way to the car. A player could just find their own molotovs instead of taking the risk of being defenseless carrying some cola bottles. Either way, still average.

End of results.