Left 4 Dead 2 Guide

Admin System - Command List

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Left 4 Dead 2 Guide

This guide details the available commands for my Admin System mod. You'll need the mod in order to use the commands listed in this guide.

If you have any questions or are having problems getting a command to work, please let me know and I'd be happy to assist you.


All commands are done server-side via chat triggers across the console, binds and menus.

This guide shows all possible things you can do with it.
how to use it in a vocalizer menu, cheats menu, bind keys
and also of course, the manual mode.

You will automatically be added as an admin when you host a Local Server.
if you have a Dedicated Server, you'll have to manually enter your Steam ID as explained below.

Remember if you make another player an admin he/she can add other people also.


Manually Adding Admins

To make a player an admin you'll have to manually enter their Steam ID in the admins.txt file.

The file is located in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\ems\admin system

Finding a player's Steam ID

Go to website: SteamIDFinder.com
Enter a player's Steam profile information and it'll list the steamID32 number.

Automatically Adding Admins

Chat: !add_admin nick
Console: scripted_user_func add_admin,nick

Manually Removing Admins

To remove a player from the admin list, you'll have to manually delete their Steam ID from the admins.txt file.
The file is located in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\ems\admin system

Automatically Removing Admins

Chat: !remove_admin nick
Console: scripted_user_func remove_admin,nick

Disable Admin Mode

If you disable the admin mode, all players on your server will be able to use commands. With the exception of those marked as AdminsOnly.

Chat: !adminmode false
Console: scripted_user_func adminmode,false

How To Ban/Unban Players

Manually Banning Players

To ban a player you'll have to manually enter their Steam ID in the banned.txt file.

The file is located in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\ems\admin system

Finding a player's Steam ID

Go to website: SteamIDFinder.com
Enter a player's Steam profile information and it'll list the steamID32 number.

Automatically Banning Players

Chat: !ban nick
Console: scripted_user_func ban,nick

Unbanning Players

To un-ban a player you'll have to manually delete their Steam ID from the banned.txt file.

The file is located in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\ems\admin system

How To Kick Players

Chat: !kick nick
Console: scripted_user_func kick,nick


All commands that accept a survivor's name can use the following keys:

all - All survivors
bots - All survivor bots
l4d1 - L4D1 survivor bots


Description: Set duration of adrenaline effect for survivor.

Chat: !adrenaline nick 50
Console: scripted_user_func adrenaline,nick,50


Description: Spawns an alarm car at your crosshair.

Chat: !alarmcar
Console: scripted_user_func alarmcar


Description: Set ammo for survivor.

Chat: !ammo nick 50
Console: scripted_user_func ammo,nick,50


Description: Spawns a fuel barrel at your crosshair, with an optional amount.

Chat: !barrel 20
Console: scripted_user_func barrel,20


Description: Enable/Disable/Limit the ability to melee bash infected.

Chat: !bash nick disable
Console: scripted_user_func bash,nick,disable


Description: Infected chase after survivor.

Chat: !chase nick
Console: scripted_user_func chase,nick


Description: Removes all spawned entities from the map.

Chat: !cleanup
Console: scripted_user_func cleanup


Description: Change server Convar.

Chat: !cvar sv_gravity 200
Console: scripted_user_func cvar,sv_gravity,200


Description: Defib dead survivor.

Chat: !defib nick
Console: scripted_user_func defib,nick


Description: Starts/Stops spawning of infected.

Chat: !director stop
Console: scripted_user_func director,stop


Description: Spawns a modeled door at your crosshair's location.

Chat: !door models/props_doors/doormain01_small.mdl
Console: scripted_user_func door,models/props_doors/doormain01_small.mdl

Note: You can spawn a saferoom door using this shortcut:

Chat: !door saferoom
Console: scripted_user_func door,saferoom


Description: Drops a weapon.

Chat: !drop nick pistol
Console: scripted_user_func drop,nick,pistol


Description: Drops a Molotov at your crosshair.

Chat: !drop_fire
Console: scripted_user_func drop_fire


Description: Drops Spitter goo at your crosshair.

Chat: !drop_spit
Console: scripted_user_func drop_spit


Description: Spawn an animated dummy model.

Chat: !dummy models/survivors/survivor_gambler.mdl weapon_pistol Idle_Calm_Pistol
Console: scripted_user_func dummy,models/survivors/survivor_gambler.mdl,weapon_pistol,Idle_Calm_Pistol


Description: Trigger entity I/O.

Chat: !ent_fire !nick sethealth 50
Console: scripted_user_func ent_fire,!nick,sethealth,50


Description: Spawns an entity where you're aiming.

Chat: !entity weapon_ammo_spawn
Console: scripted_user_func entity,weapon_ammo_spawn


Description: Extinguishes a survivor/infected if on fire.

Chat: !extinguish nick
Console: scripted_user_func extinguish,nick


Description: Toggles flying mode.

Chat: !fly nick
Console: scripted_user_func fly,nick


Description: Slow player's movement.

Chat: !friction nick 0
Console: scripted_user_func friction,nick,0


Description: Forces the finale to start.

Chat: !finale start
Console: scripted_user_func finale,start

Description: Forces the finale rescue to arrive.

Chat: !finale rescue
Console: scripted_user_func finale,rescue


Description: Spawns a fireworkcrate at your crosshair, with an optional amount.

Chat: !fireworkcrate 20
Console: scripted_user_func fireworkcrate,20


Description: Freezes a player in place.

Chat: !freeze nick
Console: scripted_user_func freeze,nick


Description: Spawns a gascan at your crosshair, with an optional amount.

Chat: !gascan 20
Console: scripted_user_func gascan,20


Description: Give items to survivor.

Chat: !give nick rifle_m60
Console: scripted_user_func give,nick,rifle_m60


Description: Change player's gravity. Value between 0.0 - 1.0, with 1.0 being 100% of sv_gravity.

Chat: !gravity nick 0.5
Console: scripted_user_func gravity,nick,0.5


Description: Toggles god mode.

Chat: !god nick
Console: scripted_user_func god,nick


Description: Converts health value from permanent to temporary and vice-versa.

Chat: !health nick temp
Console: scripted_user_func health,nick,temp

Chat: !health nick perm
Console: scripted_user_func health,nick,perm


Description: Incapacitate a survivor.

Chat: !incap nick
Console: scripted_user_func incap,nick


Description: Toggle infinite ammo.

Chat: !infinite_ammo nick
Console: scripted_user_func infinite_ammo,nick


Description: Toggle infinite upgrades including laser_sight, incendiary_ammo and explosive_ammo.

Chat: !infinite_upgrade nick explosive_ammo
Console: scripted_user_func infinite_upgrade,nick,explosive_ammo


Description: Kill a player.

Chat: !kill nick
Console: scripted_user_func kill,nick


Description: Spawn a L4D1 survivor bot in L4D2 maps.

Chat: !l4d1_survivor bill
Console: scripted_user_func l4d1_survivor,bill


Description: Sets infected limits.

Chat: !limit common 0
Console: scripted_user_func limit,common,0


Description: Set max health for survivor/infected.

Chat: !max_health nick 500
Console: scripted_user_func max_health,nick,500


Description: Spawn a melee weapon at your crosshair.

Chat: !melee any
Console: scripted_user_func melee,any


Description: Spawn a minigun at your crosshair's location.

Chat: !minigun
Console: scripted_user_func minigun

Description: Spawn a L4D1 minigun at your crosshair's location.

Chat: !minigun l4d1
Console: scripted_user_func minigun,l4d1


Description: Survivor bots move to your crosshair's location.

Chat: !move nick
Console: scripted_user_func move,nick


Description: Changes NetProp values of entities.

Chat: !netprop nick m_bIsOnThirdStrike 1
Console: scripted_user_func netprop,nick,m_bIsOnThirdStrike,1


Description: Toggles noclip on a player.

Chat: !noclip nick
Console: scripted_user_func noclip,nick


Description: Spawns a oxygentank at your crosshair, with an optional amount.

Chat: !oxygentank 20
Console: scripted_user_func oxygentank,20


Description: Spawns a particle where you're aiming.

Chat: !particle inferno_grow
Console: scripted_user_func particle,inferno_grow


Description: Spawn props where you're aiming.

Available arguments:


Chat: !prop dynamic models/props_street/police_barricade.mdl
Console: scripted_user_func prop,dynamic,models/props_street/police_barricade.mdl

Note: You can do the following to make the prop spawn facing away from you.

Chat: !prop dynamic models/props_street/police_barricade.mdl aimed
Console: scripted_user_func prop,dynamic,models/props_street/police_barricade.mdl,aimed


Description: Spawns a propanetank at your crosshair, with an optional amount.

Chat: !propanetank 20
Console: scripted_user_func propanetank,20


Description: Remove items from survivor.

Chat: !remove nick pistol
Console: scripted_user_func remove,nick,pistol


Description: Spawn resource pack at your crosshair, with an optional amount. (Holdout Mutation only)

Chat: !resource 20
Console: scripted_user_func resource,20


Description: Revives dead survivor, and teleports the survivor back to where they initially spawned.

Chat: !respawn nick
Console: scripted_user_func respawn,nick


Description: Revive incapacitated survivor.

Chat: !revive nick
Console: scripted_user_func revive,nick


Description: Sets a survivor's revive count. Setting it to 2 normally means black & white, while 0 means the survivor was never incapped.

Chat: !revivecount nick 2
Console: scripted_user_func revivecount,nick,2


Description: Send a message to all players.

Chat: N/A
Console: scripted_user_func say,Hello


Description: This allows you to directly execute VScript code from in-game. (Use with caution)

Chat: !script SessionOptions.GasCansOnBacks <- true
Console: scripted_user_func "script,SessionOptions.GasCansOnBacks<-true"


Description: Plays a named sound on the player.

Chat: !sound Jukebox.re_your_brains
Console: scripted_user_func sound,Jukebox.re_your_brains


Description: Spawns an ammo pile at your crosshair's location.

Chat: !entity spawn_ammo
Console: scripted_user_func spawn_ammo

Note: You can also enter a modelname like so:

Chat: !entity spawn_ammo models/props/de_prodigy/ammo_can_02.mdl
Console: scripted_user_func spawn_ammo,models/props/de_prodigy/ammo_can_02.mdl


Description: Changes the movement speed of a player.

Chat: !speed nick 2
Console: scripted_user_func speed,nick,2


Description: Stagger player forward, with optional stagger away from command user.

Chat: !stagger nick
Chat: !stagger nick away
Console: scripted_user_func stagger,nick
Console: scripted_user_func stagger,nick,away


Description: Spawn a survivor on team 2.

Chat: !survivor bill
Console: scripted_user_func survivor,bill


Description: Sets timescale for slower or faster gameplay.

Chat: !timescale 2.0
Console: scripted_user_func timescale,2.0


Description: Give survivor an upgrade.

Valid upgrade types are:


Chat: !upgrade_add nick incendiary_ammo
Console: scripted_user_func upgrade_add,nick,incendiary_ammo


Description: Remove an upgrade from a survivor.

Valid upgrade types are:


Chat: !upgrade_remove nick incendiary_ammo
Console: scripted_user_func upgrade_remove,nick,incendiary_ammo


Description: Applies velocity on the targeted player.

Chat: !velocity 0 0 5000
Console: scripted_user_func velocity,0,0,5000


Description: Covers player in vomit.

Chat: !vomit nick
Console: scripted_user_func vomit,nick


Description: Teleport survivor to your position.

Chat: !warp nick
Console: scripted_user_func warp,nick


Description: Teleport survivor to your crosshair.

Chat: !warp_here nick
Console: scripted_user_func warp_here,nick


Description: Teleport survivor to ending saferoom.

Note: May not work properly on some custom maps.

Chat: !warp_saferoom nick
Console: scripted_user_func warp_saferoom,nick


Description: Spawns a weapon at your crosshair's location with optional count.

Chat: !weapon rifle 2
Console: scripted_user_func weapon,rifle,2


Description: Spawns the desired infected at your crosshair's location with optional amount.

Chat: !z_spawn tank 2
Console: scripted_user_func z_spawn,tank,2


Description: Spawns the desired common/uncommon infected at your crosshair's location.

Chat: !zombie riot 5
Console: scripted_user_func zombie,riot,5
Chat: !zombie common_male_tshirt_cargos 10
Console: scripted_user_func zombie,common_male_tshirt_cargos,10

Using A server.nut File

You can use a file called "server.nut" to make a few additional changes to your game.

Step 1: Download the server.nut file here.
Step 2: Place the server.nut file in left 4 dead 2/left4dead2/scripts/vscripts.

You can open the file using a text editor, and make changes and additions to whatever you prefer. For a list of more functions you can check the L4D2 VScripts page, or EMS page.

Using A cvars.txt File

You can create a file called "cvars.txt" and place it in the following directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\ems\admin system

This file will automatically execute all Cvars upon loading each map. Keep in mind each Cvar will need to be on its own line within the file.

Here's a few examples of how you can enter the Cvars:
god "1" "sv_infinite_ammo" "1" sv_gravity 200 scripted_user_func give,all,rifle_m60 scripted_user_func max_health,all,300


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