Minecraft Guide

How To Play Mineplex Cakewars

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Minecraft Guide

How To Play Mineplex Cakewars (Guide)

1. Bridging
Bridging is the most important thing to do in bedwars. You are able to go to other worlds where you can get resources. You know that crosshair that is in the middle of your screen, point it slightly upwards to the outside of the island, such that the blackbox is still on that block, while the crosshair is to the air in front of the block. Left click and walk at the same time.
2. Roles
1. Gatherer.
Look at bridging above. There should be 2 gatherers in one team always. Gatherers can build towards the middle/emerald points. A gatherer should always have at least 64 blocks of wool, 1 iron sword, and at least an iron helmet (see combat). The first will go to the middle point, the second will go to emerald points.
2. Combater.
The combater has to always stay at the base. He has to have a full set of iron armor and an iron sword, and a pickaxe (for later use) shears (in case bridging gets messy).
3. Breaking in early game
If you want to attack someone else's base, ensure you have at least one diamond accessory (preferably diamond chestplate) and iron armor for the rest. Also, you must have a diamond sword and pickaxe. 
4. Breaking in late game
You must have a full set of diamond armor and Polly and 2 ender pearls (explain later). You must also have diamond sword and pickaxe. If your bed has not been destroyed yet, also get a wither skull to ensure you won't lose your items if you die. Lastly, you need a full stack of wool. If you want to buy a bow and at least 16 arrows. This will leave one more slot in your hot bar for some obsidian (explain later)! Remember to have someone always guard your base if you are going.
5. How to sneak into enemy's base?
Press sneak, and enemies will no longer see your nametag. Enter the front of the base. Use your pickaxe to mine into the defense, and use blocks to block yourself inside the defenses, preferably obsidian. Beware of enemies coming in from the back and attacking you. Destroy the cake and mine out from the other side to attack your enemies or run! The other way is to use ender pearls to teleport to the enemy’s base. It is hard to notice unless they see the red streak of the ender pearl. This method is dangerous as the ender pearl might land into the void and you will be teleported down and die.
6. Combat
1. Swords
If you want to fight, make sure you are stronger than them, or you catch them by surprise. How do you catch enemies by surprise? Stay on structures taller than them so they are not likely to look up and see you. Jump down and attack (bonus if the enemy is near the void). You can also come in from the back and knock enemies. You can use a technique called strafing. Aim your crosshair at your enemy and press A or D. Make sure you don't fall off! Then start attacking your enemy. It will make you harder to hit. 
Frontal Attack
This is attacking when your enemy notices you and you go against him at the same time. Strafing here is especially useful. You MUST be stronger than your enemy to do this, or else you will pay for it with your death. NOTE: Enchanted iron armor CANNOT beat full diamond armor. You can also use autoclicker to help you.
Getting caught in surprise
If you get caught in surprise, you are likely to die in the void unless you press Shift+Space+S. This will enable you to not get hit off by your enemies! You can then turn the tables and hit them off!!!
This is basically the same idea as getting caught in surprise. Use Shift+Space+S to keep hold on the bridge. Even if you only have leather armor while your enemy has diamond, you still have a chance of winning (hitting enemy off).
Sweep Attack
A special attack for swords that allows you to attack more than one enemy at a time. Just jump, left click, and slide the crosshair across at the same time. Paired with auto clicker (under Hacks) you can easily kill hordes of enemies at once!
Fallfighting is a special skill that can apply when you bridgefight and your enemy knocks you off. As you fall, slash at him, and you will be able to knock him off as well!
2. Bows
Bows are useful in late game. Make sure you have at least 15 arrows in your hot bar. 
Frontal Attack
No. DO NOT TRY, you will most likely die. Unless the enemy is coming at you from the void, and you can shoot him off.
Getting caught in surprise
Do not TRY!!! You will never win in close quarters fighting with a bow.
Yes!!! Try it!!! If you are at the side and your enemy is coming, use your bow and shoot him off. With some practice you will be good at it.
This is especially hard to master, but as you fall from bridge fighting, shoot towards the enemy. There is a chance that the enemy will get hit and fall.
3. Shears/Pickaxes
Pickaxes are only for when you are too desperate, and you have no sword. A pickaxe has enough attack damage such that you have a chance to kill your enemy. Shears, however, are useful in combat bridgefighting when you break the wool your enemy is standing on so that they will fall into the void.
7. Accessories
I will now talk about those not mentioned before, such as golden apples, etc.
1. Obsidian
Good for protecting bases and locking yourself in when you raid bases.
2. Golden Apple
Good when you are about to raid an enemy’s base or for any form of combat. It will give you an extra two hearts! 
3. Auto Bridger
This is good for beginners that are not so sure about quickbridging (check Bridging). Spawning 3 to 3 blocks each time you place them; it allows you to build quickly. However, you need a while to buy it. (10 bricks) while for 32 wool you only need 3 bricks. 
How to place it? 
Right click the block next to the void and a 3 times 3 platform will appear in front. Repeat.
4. Should I trade 20 bricks for an emerald?
Only if you are very desperate and have gotten a full set of iron armor + sword. For example, in one game it was 1 vs 2, I was forced to use bricks to get emeralds in order to craft diamond armor.
5. What are bricks important for in late game?
Wool, Autobridger, and Bow and Arrow.
6. How do you use Ender Pearls Effectively?
Ender Pearls always come in pairs, so you can always teleport back if things get sticky. I recommend getting near to where you want to teleport to, before using it. If you teleport into the void, throw your other Ender Pearl, and you will teleport back onto safe land.
8. Concerning hiding
If you have your cake destroyed, and you are the only one left in the team, but you do not want the other team to win, build up to the roof of someone else's base. Then, cover your tracks by destroying the blocks that you built up with. Press shift and enemies will no longer see your name tag! Additionally, you should also have a full set of iron armor + sword or more. There are a lot of ways to hide; you can hide in the villager's shop (not recommended if enemies have a bow)! You might, as an additional deterrent, destroy all bridges connecting your base, but that will raise enemy suspicion which will lead to Ender Pearl Travelling. If you have full enchanted diamond armor and sword, that sort of thing, you might want to try raiding enemies base! Check out how to sneak into enemy’s base. You might defeat them individually and win!
9. What kit should I get?
If you have already gotten both builder and archer kits, I recommend builder for those who have mastered quickbridging and archer for those who want to hone their bow skills. This is important for sniping and getting free kills (see Bow). Builders have an advantage because they can quickbridge to the middle point fast.
10. Which is more important, getting to the points or protecting bed?
If your teammates are not cooperating (see Roles) then you should always put the safety of your bed first. Even in late game if you do not build any bridges, enemies can use ender pearls (See How to sneak into enemy's base?). You need to at least have an end stone or terracotta surrounding your cake, if not obsidian. Wool is not recommended!
11. How to hack?
1. Autoclickers
Use autoclickers (search auto clicker on browser) to speed up your slash of sword and kill your enemies! For maximum effect, your autoclicker needs to be at least 8000 clicks per second. WARNING: this makes games very laggy and may lead to crash. Also, you may be able to win someone who is stronger than you when you combine this with element of surprise. This may not work when you are against more than one enemy as they team up and kill you!
2. Hacked Clients
Search hacked clients for Minecraft on browser. There are various hacks allowing you to fly, kill aura, get free items, etc. WARNING: Some servers can kick people out when they use hacks and some of the websites offering download are viruses.
3. Small Skins
Get Star Wars skin pack and equip the yoda/wicket skin, and your enemies will not be able to see your armor, and you will also be harder to hit!
12. How do you deal with hackers?
Report them to forums and record down their gamertag. That will make them banned. You can also attempt to kill the hackers by bridgefighting. A word of rage against all hackers, except those looking here! HEHE :)
13. How can I become more skilled at combat?
Practice on mobs or on bloated servers, like Mineplex itself, or Hypixel. You can find a link to the MCWORLD for mob arena on my Gamemaps account. 
14. How do you use Polly?
When you buy Polly, you will receive a spawn egg. Sometimes when the enemy keeps trying to steal the middle point, you can use this to destroy their bridge. You can also use this to destroy bases. This will not work against obsidian. Right click on the blocks in the middle of enemy’s bridge or base and run! In 5 seconds, Polly will explode and destroy the bridge. Polly can, however, be knocked into the void and killed by a sword.
15. How do you prevent yourself from dying in Cakewars?
Play on the safe side. Never bridgefight, concentrate on getting resources, do not enter the Middle Point unless you have at least an iron sword and 16 blocks of wool with you (that can prevent sticky situations where you are trapped, or you want to raid an enemy base). Also, never operate by chance (e.g. when you see enemy base’s cake is exposed, do not rush towards it and try to destroy it. If you fail and die, it will remind the enemy of the need to protect the base. If you win, you will most likely still be killed by enemies rushing towards you. Try to avoid competition for resources that are less important.
The most important part for the last:
16. How to protect your cake?
Use obsidian or endstone. You can also add TNT Traps to slow down enemy’s progress and time for you to notice it. In late game, there should be at least two combaters in a team. The combater may hide near the cake in case enemies try to attack!
Thanks for reading! 


Guide Credits

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