
I'm a sub par mapper, so I mainly just download other maps and put out the occasional review. I am getting better at mapping, however slowly that may be. Chances are I will put a map out in the future, but it won't be anything special, more of a "just to

Reviews by DuWKennedy

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    + Great atmosphere
    + Better challenge
    + New paths are fun to explore
    + Finale had superb silhouetting.


    - On occasion areas will be too dark (minor issue)
    - Tier two weapons only spawned after level 3 (possible Director issue)


    One of the biggest problems with any map, be it official or custom, is immersion. The competent level design of the Valve employees combined with the creepy feel of New Orleans at night makes for a great experience. Combined with realism mods such as lowered ammo and increased damage, this makes for a fun hour long play through on Advanced. Highly recommended!

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