Reviews for Tour of Terror

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    • OWM2_M_B

      Posted this review



      To be honest, it's quite disappointing. The author tried to make this not so ordinary, but as for me, he failed. Overall it and has uninteresting design, due to too open, repetitive and unpolished areas, and it's also not well-detailed. I kept hoping to see something real exciting when I played this, as this campaign has 1.7M views on this site, but my hope were completely dushed when I easily found a place with no nav (which means the infected can't harm you when you're in it) in the finale. How awful...

      Edited: 5 weeks ago

    • holybased123

      Posted this review


      it's good

      But sometimes the map can be too open and aimless, as others already pointed that out. The lack of supplies can be a huge burden to the players in higher difficulties. Design-wise, it was actually really good, although the last chapter is not very good.
    • l4d2survivor

      Posted this review


      It's an "Ok" Campaign

      Well designed Exteriors
      Some interiors lack detail
      Lack of Tier 2 Weapons until the end of Map 3 is kinda annoying
      I wanted to give this 3 stars but there really isn't much wrong with it. Just a bit boring. It isn't as bad as @darkblade05 makes it out to be tho. However, he is right that the last map was the most fun in terms of design. Would have been nice if each map started off with the European music you used at the end to set the mood.
    • darkblade05

      Posted this review


      Barren, empty, aimless. Needs work.

      Good example of how recreating real world locations doesn't translate into good gameplay. I salute your dedication to recreating these locations. But the campaign just didn't feel well fleshed out. 
      Picture this: Imagine playing a whole campaign in the cordoned off areas of No Mercy or Dead Air that you can only noclip or glitch into. That's what it's like to play this campaign. Barren, empty, with low quality textures and models, save for the recreated real world buildings, which feel out of place and imported; as well as largely untouched by the zombie apocalypse.
      Long, empty directionless maps, felted very disjointed at times with unnecessary forks. There are some glaring quality issues, with shortcuts taken in places it shouldn't have been. The hotel in map 1 for example: Every single hotel room entirely lacks a floor plan: No kitchens, no baths, no bedroom, no common area. Just an open room. With basically nothing in it. Copied and pasted a few times. Multiplied by the number of floors, 5 or 6...
      Map 3 has a panic event in a town hall that, for some reason, enables multiple special infected to spawn. At one point, I had two smokers, a hunter, a charger and a spitter all up at the same time, and had just killed a jockey and boomer not long before. I have no mods that modify special spawn rates.
      Common infected pathing is all but entirely broken in map 4. After the panic event, I kept getting hordes with incoming attack warnings in captions, but only a tiny handful of infected would ever make their way to us. Speaking of, this is by far the most egregious map - wandering and nearly perfectly aimless if it wasn't for a sparing arrow or two to point the way. There's also no ammo piles(I believe?) and no respawn rooms after the panic event, which is the longest part of the map.
      The finale is easily the best map of the whole campaign. Great layout, fun to play. I'd log hours into it in Survival mode if it had more supplies. And yet, this is the only map that isn't available in Survival. This to me, is mind boggling.
      Overall I'd rate this a 2/5. It feels unfinished, and very unpolished. It could be good if you worked on lighting, better textures and added more props to make the maps feel more alive and lived in. Good level making should tell you a story of what happened to the place, the people. As is now, it's just... here's a real world location. Here, have another. And another. There's no context, and no little to no indication of what happened after the start of the infection.
      You should cordon off unnecessary paths (or let the director control forked paths). And add some voice lines triggers to indicate you're even going the right way/indicate directionality. Or at least more arrows. I felt so incredibly lost at times, particularly in maps 2 through 4.
      No one I played it with particularly enjoyed it, and we had someone get so annoyed that they left during the second playthrough. As is, I'm uninstalling, unfortunately.
      • It's 10 years old so I don't plan to revisit. All your points are valid and actually things I cringe at looking back. But I'm just one man with a job and limited time. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
    • youtube_gamer

      Posted this review



      Know what play this map belongs to, I don't believe it?
    • AmazingNep02

      Posted this review


      Amazing Fun Experience

      Didn't really come across anything wrong with this campaign, love the environments and events and loot spawn was plentiful if you explored. Definitely recommend a play of this campaign, its one of the better ones
    • Mandys92

      Posted this review


      Good campaign

      Nice campaign with original atmosphere, but some areas feel a bit unfinished and the finale is a tad too easy.
    • kurochama

      Posted this review


      One of my favourite maps

      I forget how many times I have played this one. I always enjoyed looking at the environments - it felt like I had really taken a tour. I still remember that there's Bill's corpse on map 1. I wonder if there's a chapter before this one or not - another sacrifice version when Bill died here...?
      The most thrilling but fun one is when the survivors are in the area where SI keep spawning very fast to the way to the saferoom.
      No bot navigation error, no crash, good scenery & playable with bots or with players. This campaign is one of old legends :) . Thanks for your hard work in making this campaign :) .
      • Thank you so much for sharing this
    • hedleyLamar

      Posted this review


      Inconsistent but reasonably fun

      There are places in this campaign that are nicely laid out, and others that seem unfinished and rushed.  It does not have the sheen of details and creative lighting that the top tier custom campaigns have, but it is also a little above average in general design and pathways.  The European theme isn't quite played out as much as it could (maybe if all of the zombies were smoking cigarettes).
      • I appreciate your feedback
    • Alex_D_Vasilkov

      Posted this review


      A breath of fresh European air

      Modestly built, but the original theme and great atmosphere more than make up for it. Supplies are generous, and the places you get to explore are very cool. The balance is just right.
      • Thank you HulkTank!
    • darkwolf291

      Posted this review


      L4D2 Done Right

      Dude, this is easily the best L4D2 map I've ever played! Not a single bug, no navmesh errors, no spawning issues, no bot issues, nothing.
      Ammo is spread out perfectly. Not a surplus of it, but also not too little that I constantly ran out. There was JUST enough that, every time I got low, there was another drop. 
      The pacing of each level was spot on. Every level worked itself up to a great head, and nothing drug or felt boring. 
      The flow of the map was amazing. Side paths to explore, with decent rewards, and the overworld as we'll call it was easy enough to navigate without getting lost, but side paths gave it enough of a maze to be fun to explore through.
      Weapon spawns were well laid out, as well as pill/adrenaline drops.
      It was quite challenging at spots, but never overwhelming. 
      All in all, this is my favorite L4D2 map, and the best community map I've ever played.
      Great job dude!
      • Reading this really made my day. Thank you for all the kind words and I’m so happy you enjoy it. I put a lot of time and thought into the things you mentioned above and hearing that it is appreciated makes it worth while. Thanks again.
    • Ingapone

      Posted this review


      Very well done maps

      This is one of my favorite maps. Really enjoyed the game play.
    • music222

      Posted this review


      Nice work!

      nice campaing, by the way, the third part is too difficult hahaha
      • Did you at least get past the 3rd part? I believe in you.
    • LilG

      Posted this review


      Try the Tour

      A fun map with interesting places to explore,I liked the design of the map.
      Only downside was that the resources felt limited at the start,barely saw any weapons etc while wandering around.
      • I wanted it to kind of ramp up slowly so you have to use pistols a little more than the average campaign. It's also possible you may have missed some gun upgrades and bombs that were a little bit hidden.
    • EhToasty

      Posted this review


      Two Thumbs Up!

      Great map! Works perfect! 10/10
    • ErrorUnknownGT

      Posted this review



      Perfect campaign. Great map design. No botnav errors. No glitches/bugs. Plenty of supplies. Nice work.
    • dragonmate

      Posted this review


      Very good and HQ map

      I've played 30+ custom campaigns and this is one of the best maps. 
      - The custom layout is very good. When you begin the game, you instantly understand you are in for a treat and it keeps getting better and better. From the first safe-room to the amazing old-town and finally to the train station, you enjoy your play. 
      - Supplies. This campaign has enough of them. I can not stress this enough how important this is, sometimes campaigns are difficult only because they do not give you enough medkits, ammo or weapons. This is not fun or challenging this is frustrating. Hands down for this one, this map has a perfect balance of supplies. 
      - Events. I've seen a lot of different events and here they are pretty creative and good. They are not just a mere obstacle, they are interesting. 
      - Special infected. There are enough to keep things interesting and give you a good challenge. I really appreciated double hunters and the amount of special infected in general. 
      - Navigation. L4D2 is a dynamic game, you don't want to run around trying to understand where should you go, you just want to shoot zombies and survive. This game has enough arrows, so one won't get confused, on top of that it has voice-overs to point you into the right direction. 
      - Variety of enemies. There are different commons, workers, CEDA, riot cops and so on. Combine this with a neat custom layout and you'll have an interesting playthrough. 
      - The ending song during the credits. When you beat even the official campaigns you stop watching credits, you just skip them. Those are the first credits I watched to the end for the first time in a long while. 
      Cons: nothing major. I have a little feedback suggestion, but it is not a con. The end-map has a common pattern - "horde + tank + horde + tank - then you have the rescue" but there are no enemies, so you simply ride away. I think that the rescue is coming way too early, making it too easy. I believe there should be a delay before the rescue and another horde attack. Also having double tanks would be fun. My suggestion is the following "horde + tank+horde+2xTanks+horde - you fight the horde while rescue is on the way" Conclusion: amazing map, very good for coop, a unique experience and a breath of fresh air even for the veteran player.
      • Appreciate the review.
    • ****7_****

      Posted this review



      Great atmosphere
      Good layout
      Very well supplied
      Lots of dialogue
      Good events




    • NewmanPostal

      Posted this review



      The density of supplies makes sure you don't run dry.
      Multiple machine guns.
      Custom music.


      Didn't care much for the multiple special infected at the end of Map 3.
      Finale was anticlimactic compared to the rest of the campaign.
      Supply locations predictable.


      An entertaining romp through the Balkans. Worth giving a try at the very least. Gameplay flow was a bit lopsided, but is still manageable.
      • I agree on all points. Thank you for the review.

End of results.