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  • EshmawyMan

    Posted this review


    Thank you! Finished in 1hr, 52min & 3 Restarts, Expert Single Player Mode

    Checkout my complete walk-through for this campaign through the link below:
    Copy the URL, Remove \ from (h\t\t\ps) & (c\o\m), then Press Enter
    This is not the first time I play this map as I played it before and this map is uploaded here by someone else, but referring to the date, I can say yours is the original and they mostly stole it. Your map is special and full of rounds to pass and small mazes. I thought it was hard when I played it years ago, but I was wrong and I made it.
    Ch1 was restarted once after I took so long searching for the gas tank to use and I died next to safe room after I startled the wandering witch by mistake.
    Ch2 was restarted once after bots fill to the yellow pool and died on spot. I was alone and I could do it and bring them from a spawning room, but died.
    Ch3 was restarted once by finale or before I reached the finale fight spot. Noob move or bad luck.
    I enjoyed your map and I hope I find more of your maps on the way. Keep it up!

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