Returning Bunnyhop

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Returning bunnyho...

(51.1 MB)

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Version 1.2 Complete

  • Mod
    Reflections Reduced

    Reduces the reflections for 400+ props and surfaces when playing at high or above shader detail by lowering envmaptint, also restores some higher quality textures from L4D2. Installation: Use either of these install guides. Game...

  • Mod
    Definitive Left 4 Dead 1 Vehicles

    A big f*ck you to the 360 A lot of the props in Left 4 Dead 1, and 2. Suffer from really bad envmaps, or a lack thereof. However, the vehicles suffered from far more than just awful envmaps. They suffered from extremely downgraded tex...

  • Mod
    Radioactive Tank Rock - Black/White

    Replace the tank rock with a flashing color. nice textures!!;) all credits to the creator of this mod all credits to the creator of this mod all credits to the creator of this mod all credits to the creator of this mod all cred...

  • 4 Maps
    Swamp Fever: L4D1 Edition

    This is a port of Swamp Fever to the original Left 4 Dead for the HardA server. This is not an exact port of the campaign and has some changes to ensure stability and compatibility. All assets required are included in the VPK ensuring...

  • 4 Maps
    Dead Center: L4D1 Edition

    This is a port of Dead Center to the original Left 4 Dead for the HardA server. This is not an exact port of the campaign and has some changes to ensure stability and compatibility. Note: The particles can sometimes not work, I have y...



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