Ceda Zombies

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ceda zombies only...

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Version 1 Final

  • 7 Maps
    Demomania 2
    Beta N/A

    i dunno what i put description here Musics Used: Boombots Bonus theme (in demo4_quiz) crash bandicoot pinstripe potoroo (in demo6_hotel)

  • Mod
    Cruel Bots

    This is probably the youngest brother of all bot mods I made (the twin eldest brothers Merciless Bots (Complete Ver) & Merciless Bots (Simple Ver), & elder brother Enhanced Angry Bots). "What makes it different from its 'elder brother...

    • Updated
  • Guide
    How to save your custom maps that you downloade...

    Tired of your disk space always being full? Well, I have a solution to that problem. If you have too many custom maps vpk files on your laptop, it takes up most of your disk space. So, I suggest you guys to put all of your downloaded cus...

  • Mod
    Another Chris Redfield Voice for Coach
    Beta N/A

    Yet another voice mod that replaces Coach's voice with Chris Redfield's voice from Resident Evil 5 (Roger Craig Smith). Some lines are from the other games like RE6, Rev1, Marvel vs Capcom and I've even used Kyle Crane from Dying Light s...

    • New
  • Mod

    All the tanks you've ran past and left behind have finally caught up to you, and they're mad. And there's lots of tanks. Like, way too many. Type "!killtanks" in chat to kill all tanks, if you would rather not wait for them to die at ...

    • New
