Reviews for Dry County

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    • ErrorUnknownGT

      Posted this review



      Decent campaign. Aesthetics are fine, nothing ground-breaking. I have two issues with its current version or incarnation: The elevator on chapter 2 should be sped up, it's a bit too slow right now in my opinion. Also I had three tank suicides during my runthrough, which is a bit absurd, the navmesh should be straightened out for the special infected. First suicide was on chapter 1, just as we reached the end of the elevator ride. Second suicide was when we were at the beginning of chapter 3. Third suicide was the second tank on the finale.
      Overall though the map design is fine, a pretty standard traditional style campaign. Forgot to check how long it took me, it's a little bit shorter than a Valve campaign. So probably 20-30 minutes.
    • DHenk

      Posted this review


      Overall a Good Western Style Map

      Played all 4 Maps with Bots and no issues. Graphics were good and I didn't see any missing textures. Blowing sand and wind
      adds to the desolate environment. Here's each Map:
      Map #1 Tracks nicely done look of an abandoned mining area. I really didn't see what the value was of releasing the mine
      cars was. I went down and it looked like no blocks to forward progress. Went back up and released both. Then proceeded on to eventually
      the safe room. (I might go play it again to see if I missed something),
      Map #2 Mine  Liked the overall abandoned look with rusty rails, mining tools, and mine carts and dust. No issues to report. Bot Navigation was spot on. No missing textures noted. No issues noted. Good map overall.
      Map #3 Town Again no issues to report. Did have to replay it after Ellis early on had a Smoker take him over the side where neither the Bots nor
      myself could reach him. I played further but apparently there are no rooms to revive a fallen player. So just restarted it. 
      Map #4 Finale has again no issues. Blowing sand can obstruct your view but that's just part of the environment. Several good places to hold out
      with plenty of hand thrown objects to use. Lost nick when he got in way of a bile bomb and was buried under the hordes. Meanwhile the rest of us went to the helicopter. Bots actually stayed with me and didn't (as is typical) go to rescue the fallen Bot). 
      My favorite weapon the Sniper Rifle was not available. However with the amount of ammo scattered and dust storms reducing visibility it was better to use the AK-47.
      So maybe it could use more detail in some of the rooms (tools boxes etc) but I like to think others got there first and looted the place. <G>
      Thanks for taking the time to creating this campaign. It's well worth playing!

      Edited: 3 weeks ago

    • OWM2_M_B

      Posted this review



      Basic campaign with a few issues. The design can't interest me, but it's not below average and is acceptable. The visual details are so-so and kinda rough overall, mainly because they look monotonous and samey, and there're few objects in each room/area. However, this campaign has no fatal problems, and its desert theme is still unique today. Not bad considering this is beta version, hope you can make it more detailed, interesting and less bugged in future updates :)

End of results.