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- Note: I prefer to use Steam Workshop
North Pole
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map's link:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2319525124
author's link:https://steamcommunity.com/id/Galgan & https://steamcommunity.com/id/rexxu4k
After survivors had finally escaped from the airport, survivors with pilot decided to pass the North Pole™ but weird energy crashed down the plane they're we're on. Unfortunately pilot didn't survived. Now survivors are on thier own... again.
I recomend turning on instructor tips.
Campaign is also compatible with: Versus, Scavenge, Survival and Coop.
Spaaps - Maps, thumbnails, scripts, custom textures/sounds, layout
Shard - Campaign poster, custom textures, Tester
Testers: Dasd, Lefspy, wrrrr, Shard
- coop
- campaign
- multiplayer
- easy
09/10/24 ======== No change notes have been added by the publisher.
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Map-北极 North po...
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