- Dr Deadmans addons
This mod is a joke and is made for my best friend dr deadman, do not download its literally a joke
- Death Music : Goodbye The Yellow River
Film directed by Feng Xiaoning in 1999. The Yellow River is a war love film produced by Shanghai Film Studio. It is directed by Feng Xiaoning and starred by Jing Jing, Paul Kersey, Wang Xinjun and Tu men. It was released in Hungar...
- Shell Barrel
Replaces explosive barrel. VPK Compiled here -> https://www.gamemaps.com/mirrors/28064
- Repsol Barrel
Replaces explosive barrel. VPK Compiled here -> https://www.gamemaps.com/mirrors/28062
- Pennzoil Barrel
Replaces explosive barrel. VPK Compiled here -> https://www.gamemaps.com/mirrors/28063
- Castrol Barrel red variant
Replaces explosive barrel. VPK Compiled here -> https://www.gamemaps.com/mirrors/28065
- Castrol Barrel
Replaces explosive barrel. VPK Compiled version here -> https://www.gamemaps.com/mirrors/28061
- L4D1 Walker (B4B) - Louis
L4D1 Walker (B4B) - Louis This is a mod that replaces the survivor of Louis, for a cleaner of Back 4 Blood: - Not include facial animations. - Includes VGUI. - This mod also features first person arms. CREDITS: Model: Turtl...
- L4D1 Evangelo (B4B) - Francis
L4D1 Evangelo (B4B) - Francis This is a mod that replaces the survivor of Francis, for a cleaner of Back 4 Blood: - Not include facial animations. - Includes VGUI. - This mod also features first person arms. CREDITS: Model:...
- L4D1 Hoffman (B4B) - Bill
This is a mod that replaces the survivor of Bill, for a cleaner of Back 4 Blood: - Not include facial animations. - Includes VGUI. - This mod also features first person arms. This mod is not mine, I'm just the middleman who publ...
- Hunter Peruano Por fiestas patriasBeta
Este hunter es peruano y lo subi por fiestas patrias gaaaa feliz dia del peru gaaaaaaaaaaaa <3
- Red Shoes For Zoey
This mod gives zoey some lovely red shoes!
- Autoshotgun Crazy
skins para la Autoshotgun de l4d1 para dar un poco de decoracion
- Theuaredead's TRS Zoey Head + Retail Body
This ports the TRS Zoey head + Retail Body that Theuaredead made for L4D2 to the rightful place! Credits: Theuaredead - Original creator Ceno - Publisher/VGUI Editor/Port
- L4D2 Gascans
Nothing special just the gascan textures from L4D2 as separate mods. Installation: Use either of these install guides. GameInfo Method: How to CORRECTLY install mods Addons Method: Fastest way to install any mods in L4D1! I ...
- Xopha's Fixed Retail Hunting Rifle
This is Xopha's Fixed Retail Hunting Rifle, it fixes most of the faces except the missing faces on the bottom of the trigger and clip. I'll see if he'll want to fix that. But for now here you go! Credits: Xopha - Creator Ceno - ...
- E3 2008 Pistol Fire
This is a recreation of the E3 2008 Pistol firing sound, which was the Early 2008 sound combined with retail- if not something very close. You can hear it in the Left 4 Dead - WIP #1 version of the Cinematic Intro trailer! Enjoy, those o...
- Globally Offensive Autoshotgun
This addon makes the default autoshotgun resemble the XM1014 from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive by using some parts from the CS:GO model and some from the default autoshotgun model. This fits in the survivors hands better than csgo's ...
- Li Dailin and Jenny Sinclair Sprays
Этот аддон добавляет спреи персонажей Ли Дайлин и Дженни Синклер из игры Black Survival Как использовать: Перейди в «Параметры» -> «Сетевой режим» -> «Спрей» -> Выбери понравившуюся Тян This addon adds sprays of characters Li Dailin an...
- Items RGB bright
RGB utility items, medkit, pain pills, molotov, pipe boomb, medical cabinet. the mod is complete so there will be no update for now.
- M-16_RGBBeta
M16 rgb rifle, beta mod in order to animate the weapons a bit. contains some bugs that are not serious but will be fixed over time. enjoy it.
- Mac-10 RGBBeta
Mac-10 RGB edited by me, all you have to do is put the vpk file in the addons folder. search on youtube how to install mods without editing pack_01 if you don't know how to install mods for the game.
- White dot crosshair
didn't see any white dot crosshair for left 4 dead 1 so here you go.
- Spike's Custom L4D1 Loading Screens
Spike's Custom L4D1 Loading Screens for Left 4 Dead. Credits: Spike - Loading Screens. COMPANION CUBE - Loading Spinner. Gary - Map Previews, Resource & Mission Files.