- Moonbeam 4 Hunting RifleBeta
A Simple mod that replaces the Vanilla Hunting rifle with TF2's Moonbeam Sniper rifle. Credit to Hound and Yakuza Markitzi for the model :)
SPAS SKY a mod for l4d1 this mod in you will find in steam workshop l4d2 original author:lmgchikess
- M8 Avenger 4 SmgBeta
Replaces the vanilla Smg to Mass Effect M8 Avenger Rifle. Note: I Slightly Modify The Mesh so it can Fit the Vanilla Smg Animation and I added a clip. No Weapon Sound Effects so you can use your own. Credits to Constantine Tvalashvili...
- Mammoth Mk-1 4 Pump ShottyBeta
Replaces the Vanilla Pump Shotgun with Hyperscape's Mammoth Mk-1 I didn't add any gunfire or gun misc sound effect so you can use your own Credits to dannysgallegos for the 3d model :)
- Nuka Cola Quantum (brillante)
mod sacado del left4dead2 no vi un mod para el left4dead haci que decidí subirlo.
- Retrowave Autoshotgun
skin brillante para el autoshotgun sacado de la workshop de steam, nada mas me tomé el trabajo de modificar una cosa no soy el dueño del mod espero que lo disfruten.
- Retrowave M16
skin brillante para la M16 sacado de la workshop de steam disfrutenlo.
- Retrowave Desert Eagle
skin brillante para la doble pistola, el modelo es de la magnum modificado para que sea adaptable al ambiente.
- nekomiya csgo awp
I loved that sniper that's why I decided to use it pass it to l4d this mod in you will find in steam workshop l4d2 original author:桃乐丝啊
- AzureusBlue poison
Azureus|Blue poison skin for AK47 a mod for l4d1 this mod in you will find in steam workshop l4d2 original author:PioneerZ7Z
- The Gibbening (L4D1)
a re-upload of graymainer's "The Gibbening" mod, but this time for l4d1 instead of l4d2. i dont even know if this will work lol. all credit goes to him. Note: originally this description was longer, but i accidentally closed the page a...
- Mr6 4 PistolBeta
BlackOps3 Mr6 handgun Replaces Pistol I didn't add any weapon sound effects so you can use your own favorite weapon sounds
- Unusual Left 4 Dead
This little addition seems not do nothing special ... just some my changes on maps for players which want try them. Write in startup options +fall_speed_fatal 5000 for minimize falling damage. Added mod "flame survivors" but in game Left...
- AWP - Ateris (Sniper)
- excellent skin that replaces the hunting rifle feel the power of nature... - includes sound - excelente skin que reemplaza al rifle de caza -incluye sonidos
- AWP - CS:GO skin (Sniper)
-Good skin to replace hunting rifle, sourced from CS: GO -includes sound -Buena skin para reemplazar el rifle de caza, procedente de CS: GO -includes sound
- BLIZZARD SNIPER (hunting rifle)
Replaces the sniper (hunting rifle) with this good skin that gives a new and different look to the L4D Reemplaza el sniper (hunter rifle) por esta skin que siendo sinceros se ve bien para darle un toque nuevo y divertido al L4D
- M4A1-S sweet cat ear big riotBeta
-Replace the M16 Assault Rifle with this great CS: GO skin -includes new sounds -Reemplaza el Rifle de asalto M16 por esta gran skin del CS:GO -incluye sonidos nuevos problemas con la mano de apoyo en la skin de Zoey, es parte del jue...
- MOLOTOV (Pilsen)
Uno de mis mods favoritos de todos lo tiempos que representa mucho a la tradición peruana. ZeroRofl nos trae esta maravillosa ampliación que reemplaza la molotov. Doy todos los creditos respectivos a él.. One of my all-time favorite mo...
- SCAR-20 Hunting Rifle (blue transparent)
SCAR-20 Hunting Rifle a mod for l4d1 this mod in you will find in steam workshop l4d2 original author:徒手开根号
- M16 Sling Mount Fix Retail Version
This M16 weapon maded by me. Have fun!
Mod original para Left 4 dead 2, creado por "Saturn" Porteado a left 4 dead 1 por mi Espero que sea de su agrado Disfrútenlo
- desert rifle rave
a mod for l4d1 this mod in you will find in steam workshop l4d2 original author: Drunken Irishman
- Chrome Shotgun
Chrome Shotgun a mod for l4d1 this mod in you will find in steam workshop l4d2 original author: TiO2 EvoLve
- Sawed-off Pump Shotgun
Cuts the default pump shotgun's barrel down by ~4 inches and removes the front sight - a classic touch for extra badassery. Should be compatible with custom animations and reskins, as long as they don't edit the base model. Doesn't incl...