You found 15 results for "MrSoldier115"

Custom maps and mods for games.
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  • Mod
    L4D1/2 Survivor Fixes

    the addon will fix the broken animations for the original survivors and the l4d2 survivors gives francis and louis their original animations(works online) gives coach louis/francis animations so that he has his height and that his pist...

  • Mod
    Zoey in L4D2 Campaigns

    oh look another zoey replaces rochelle mod woohoo isn't there like a million of these out there welllll you see i put a little twist into this one i add talker lines to coach ellis and nick so that they will not see her as rochelle anym...

  • Mod
    Snipers as tier 3 weapons

    This is a weapon script mod that changes the snipers to tier 3 weapons like the grenade launcher and the m60 but now the bots that prefer snipers will now go for guns like the m16 or autoshotgun in the script it makes it so the awp and...

  • Mod
    Traincar Tank in all l4d1 campaigns

    what does this mod do? it makes it so that the traincar tank from the sacrifice will spawn in all l4d1 campaigns what this means? it is not a model swap so it works with reskins that involve the traincar tank. this may cause conflic...

  • Mod
    Coach with Francis Animations

    this is coach with francis animations that work online He now looks more professional when aiming if you want to upload this or use these in a mod pack at least contact me and ill most likely be fine with it

  • Mod
    Beta Melee weapon script

    this mod is not a skin or a animation change this makes it so that when you pick up a melee weapon then switch off of it it drops it as seen in early beta footage from e3. not bugs just heads up while holding a melee weapon -cant pick u...

  • Mod
    Original rifle replaces all rifles

    the mod replaces the the AK47 Desert rifle and the SG 552 the do not have icons or the rifle sounds because i thought that people would like to have their custom sounds over them, one thing i found funny about this is you cant tell which...

  • Mod
    Survivor Fixes (Bill)

    this mod makes it so bill has proper incap animations he now uses nicks military sniper animations(mod by salad) he now smokes (Mod by Tricky) works with reskins not with models


End of results.