Just Cause 2


In a lawless open-world paradise, use whatever means necessary to achieve your objective. Use land, sea and air to your advantage and use a wide range of weaponry to cause as much chaos as possible.

ESRB Rating: M

Last Updated:
by iLL

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  • Mod
    Everything Unlocked & Available Though the Blac...

    I have updated again, I forgot to change the Chaos levels needed to unlock the Agency stuff. I have corrected that. So now as soon as you unlock the black market you unlock everything. I have updated for those who had problems upgradi...

  • Mod
    Stripeless And Faster SnakeHead T20

    This mod removes the annoying red stripe from the speedboad, adds a wood finish to the seats and leather instead of fully white fabric. There is also a version that makes the boat go faster aswell (used in the video)
