• 5 Maps
    Old School Lockdown [Stormy version]

    - The old school version of Lockdown - Storm and smoke screen effects - Version 2 Welcome back the old school version of Lockdown! Get ready to crush some zombies in the stormy night! A lot of you guys have been requesting th...

  • 4 Maps
    再见了,南宁/Goodbye,Nanning V5.4 (重置/Reset)

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - 从心圩街来到电力学校附近的四人组决定寻找其它出路。 - 此地图一共四张,其中一张为生还者模式,因学业繁忙,本来想做到第5关的。 - 每张地图都有生还者,对抗模式。 - 此地图难度较高,请...

  • 4 Maps
    Pesaro 4

    Everything has changed for the Survivors: they have found a handy Italian vehicle, hence they go against their destiny and decide to settle down just outside Pesaro in a comfortable abandoned house which needs repairs to make it a safe p...

  • 16 Maps
    Sector-74: March of the survivors

    TRAILER V1.3 TRAILER WALKTHROUGH SECTOR-74: March of the survivors 16 Level campaign made by: CR0NO SET SHADER DETAIL (in video menu options) TO MEDIUM OR HIGHER TO SEE THE SKYBOX CORRECTLY Enjoy. Special...

  • 6 Maps
    Symbyosys v12

    THIS IS THE LAST OFICIAL FROM ME Emilio3 the developer Symbyosys V12: is coming the new symbyosysfinal.vpk with one or two news maps. please not download the copy paste fuck symbyosysv13.vpk. thanks 1ª: download addons vpk symbyosysv12 ...

  • 6 Maps
    Pick a Gnome

    (None of my campagns posted here at GameMaps are to be reposted anywhere else without my permission). 1/24/2024 Added signs to "the House of Chompski" and lighted arrow signs showing the direction to proceed. Seems some people were h...

  • 5 Maps
    City 17 Revamped

    Survivors make their way through "City 17" to reach the last stronghold of people in this city - the railroad station and drive safely away, not knowing what may suddenly happen next. This map is a quality update to the "City 17" addo...

  • 5 Maps
    Cold Front

    After fighting their way North through ravenous hordes, Nick, Coach, Ellis, and Rochelle abandon their boat at a nearby dock due to a collapsed bridge. With nowhere else to go, the survivors head inland in hopes of finding rescue. Unbe...

  • 5 Maps
    Devil Mountain

    The survivors find themselves trapped in the suburbs with Devil Mountain looming large in the distance, its emergency beacon activated. Is it a call for rescue, or a warning of danger? Climb the back of the beast and find out! Devil Mou...

  • 5 Maps
    The Curse of Lazar Castle

    ~{ History }~ On the mist moutains of Transylvania, the strange and ancient castle of Lazar remains in silence. Some say that its abandoned. Some say that strange lights shine on night. No one ever dare to come too close. A journalism ...

  • 6 Maps
    广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.12

    -简介 由 Nick 带领的四人小队登上了直升机,故事开始于比尔四人组在离直升机不远的地方,他们得知最后的疏散地点设在市中心广场。 -须知 此地图一共有四个部分,如果在游玩过程出现紫黑格或ERROR模型请确保你已经订阅下载好另外三个部分(PART)。 ...

  • 5 Maps
    Lockdown DLC

    Lockdown: Chapter One STORY The virus outbreak holds a death grip on the United States and the government has been forced to lock down the worst hit cities. Unfortunately for you, that means getting out of one. Can you make it to t...

  • 6 Maps
    The Day After

    Six Map Campaign: ------------------------- 1. Roads (Upper) 2. Roads (Lower) 3. The Bridge 4. The Canals 5. The Cliffs 6. Zephyrhills The survivors are now aware of Reuseable Water in 'Zephyrhills' before they can reach thei...

  • 5 Maps
    Yama Finale Fixed

    A 5-map campaign set in various locations throughout Japan. Survivors start in Tokyo's red light district, escaping to Kyoto's Kiyomizu temple, before moving further into the mountains the next morning. Four survivors find themselves str...

  • 5 Maps
    Chernobyl: Chapter One

    The World in Shambles The infection continues to spread all over the Eurasian mainland, leaving its governments in disarray. With no other option in mind, the remaining survivors are heading east to reach the Siberian tundra. As rumor h...

  • 5 Maps
    Journey to Splash Mountain

    The Survivors head to Disneyland after hearing it is a military evacuation zone, only to find it completely overrun by zombies. Might as well have some fun while we're here. Thanks to: Black_Stormy for the Gargoyle and Brer Rabbit model...

  • 6 Maps
    Pesaro 2a Ondata

    The survivors were relieved to leave Pesaro, but their getaway didn't last long ----- the fishboat crashed into the docks and now another adventure awaits them to escape this cursed city. Remember to turn on the instructor hints at le...

  • 4 Maps
    King PlatteLAN

    King PlatteLAN A small 4 map, campaign i made long ago for a lan party for friends. Years later, i gave this mod some love, and heavy improvements for public launch, its still a short campaign, but fun for sure! Enjoy...

    • Updated

Browsing 'Stormy' Maps

There are 97 results.
  • 3 Maps
    牺牲暴雨版/Sacrifice Storm mode

    --- The three maps of "Sacrifice" have seen periodic rainstorms --- If you want to create a map using the console: c7m1_docks_storm c7m2_barge_storm c7m3_port_storm Bill,I wish you a good journey! ---“牺牲”的三张地图都有周...

  • 4 Maps
    沼泽激战暴雨版/SwampFever Storm Mode

    --- Periodic rainstorms will come in the swamp --- If you need to build a drawing of the console c3m1_plankcountry_storm c3m2_swamp_storm c3m3_shantytown_storm c3m4_plantation_storm ---沼泽地会有周期性的暴雨 ---如果需要控制台进入...

  • 5 Maps
    教区暴雨版/The Parish Storm Mode

    --- It took three days to complete the modification, the rainstorm will appear periodically, and some lights were added on the roadside for lighting. --- If necessary, create a map from the console: c5m1_waterfront_storm c5m2_park_sto...

  • 6 Maps
    The DISTINCTIVE Map 2 Beta Channel (V0.6.1)
    Beta N/A

    THIS IS NOT A FINAL VERSION!!! 中文 Chinese 请查看更新日志以获取更新详情。 此频道用于发布测试版。标题上的版本号代表当前版本。 当前版本: 0.6.1 欢迎在评论区留言。 关于地图 ———————————— 地图并没有开发完成!!! 本地图重新打造了...

  • Map
    南宁市-蝴蝶桥 v1.1

    /////////////////// - 这是一张只有一关的地图,支持战役模式和生还者模式。 - 它是我刚刚学做图的时候做的,还原南宁-科德桥,当然不是很像,叫蝴蝶桥好了。 - 我已经花费一天修复了已知BUG,希望你能玩的开心。 - 战役Map butterfly_bridge 生还者模式M...

  • 4 Maps
    Infection FM original port l4d1

    four sheriffs a sea of ******** Defend yourself inside (or outside) the small radio station. Block the windows and doors and play the music. Use the car alarms to draw the infected away from you. And watch out for lightning strikes.

  • 4 Maps
    belle fire (aquarius)
    Beta N/A

    This Belle Fire is the previous map only because of the inability to enter the third chapter map. The original creator only typed a few words less so that you can't enter. I have repaired the third chapter map, but there is no rescue. Wh...

  • 3 Maps
    Resident Evil 7 House Tech Demo

    This project is a tech demo to see just how far the Source engine can be pushed in terms of accurate recreation of more modern games. As such, it is not designed like a usual Left 4 Dead campaign - The intention was to accurately recreat...

  • Map
    Deathcraft ll Vanilla (No skin crash fix)

    This is the Deathcraft ll Vanilla with missing texture in map 2 fixed and nether map crash resolved but you still need to have Deathcraft II Fix from steam workshop on your add-ons folder in order for it to work. You can now use your own...

  • Map
    Symbyosys v12 Edit (No custom weapon model, sou...

    For some reason, it conflicts with star wars lasers or any other mods but it works perfectly fine without any problems or crashes. I'm not the original author so I can't fix any other issues. What's edited/removed: Custom weapon models...

  • Map
    南宁市-西乡塘区-心圩街 NanningCity 1.6

    这是一张还原我附近地方的地图。这是一年前做的,那时候因为技术不成熟放弃了。 今天,我将这张地图重新打磨了一遍,虽然只有第一关 祝你玩得开心,推荐难度:写实专家.打普通没5分钟就过了。控制台建图可以输入:Map Naning_City_Xinxu_Street_m1 支持模式...

  • 5 Maps
    Night Terror (Fixed)

    Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion! Models and sounds fixed. No other unnecessary changes. Both text files inside the VPK point to author's site as they should. Created by Nipper and Dr. Boo (also known as Snow). This...

  • 4 Maps

    (None of my campagns posted here at GameMaps are to be reposted anywhere else without my permission). NEW VPK POSTED ON 9/19/2021 My first campaign: Fight your way through an army base, a cave system (with bats), a secret bunker...

  • 5 Maps
    Old School Lockdown [Stormy version]

    - The old school version of Lockdown - Storm and smoke screen effects - Version 2 Welcome back the old school version of Lockdown! Get ready to crush some zombies in the stormy night! A lot of you guys have been requesting th...

  • 5 Maps
    Reverse No Mercy

    You reached the hospital and heard the radio... The rescue won't be coming this way and the plan has changed. Let's go back to the apartment.

  • 5 Maps
    Road To No Where (direct port)

    "Fight your way trough the long road and find a rescue on the end of the bridge" No, "Road to Nowhere 2" is not a port but rather a sequel. Maps were not recompiled. L4D1 Infected. Improved NAV. Credit to RF the Windows Recycle Bin.

  • Map
    坠入森林-Fall in the forest

    The first release of the Left 4 Dead 2 map, a forest map made up by myself. 第一次发布的求生之路2地图,由我自己虚构的森林地图。 This map supports survivor and scavenger modes, not confrontation and campaign modes。 本地图支持生还者和清道...

  • Map
    The Seal of Asrahmat

    The Seal of Asrahmat is a one-map Halloween campaign for Left 4 Dead 2, made by Imaculata. It includes custom models, sounds, textures and scripting, including an all new enemy. There are optional Jack-o-lanterns that the players can lig...

  • 5 Maps
    Nova Prospekt

    The survivors have found themselves in Nova Prospekt, the Combine's base of operations.
