Chinese student who's now preparing for the final exam. Won't login until I succeed in study. Yeah, I finally made the decision.

Reviews by OWM2_M_B

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  • Playing your campaigns has always been a unique experience

    In fact, I was (physically) having a slight headache when writing this review, so sorry for my confusing language logic. 
    I have to say that your level design style is completely different from Valve's. This campaign seems to put weight on simple puzzles and restoring real life places, instead of traditional linear design. But sadly, I'm actually a fan of classic stuff, so this campaign doesn't fit my taste. However, even if I don't consider this point, it's always been hard for a campaign which stores real life places to get a Valve-like fun map design. Aaaaaanyway, I'd consider the maps to be dull sometimes. Nonetheless, there's no doubt that the creative ideas, like drinks which can increase your HP, is cool. The scenery is also great - they can really help me imagine what the real city looks like without actual pictures. In short, it is not for everyone, but it includes something fresh and worth a try.

    Edited: 5 days ago

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