
Received 9 Awards. See Awards

"Don't put your hands where you wouldn't put your face."

  • 3
  • 6

Reviews by SaveYourNeighbors

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    - GREAT atmosphere
    - smooth area transitions
    - cool use of effects
    - great level design. Never felt completely lost


    None, really. Solid campaign through and through.


    Excellent campaign with a great creepy setting and weird (but very cool) conclusion.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

Published Items

  • 5 Maps
    Beldurra 2

    The infection has left more than a wake of dead in Beldurra. Something big is living there now, and it brings down the Survivors' chopper as they attempt to fly over. Survivors will make their way from the wilderness, through the city, a...

  • 3 Maps

    Beldurra consists of 3 chapters that take the survivors through the already-ruined city of Beldurra and ultimately downriver to a salvage compound. Equipment and obstacles are determined in real time, both to keep players alert and to ma...


End of results.