Matt L

Received 8 Awards. See Awards

Hi there all,im english and live in France.This 2evileyes campaign was made over 8 months and about 1800 hours.

  • 4
  • 4

Reviews by Matt L

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -really nice surprise 
    -excellent detail 
    -good use of in game voice acting 
    -nice custom audio assets 
    -great flow 
    -very solid level design (a few displacements are a bit stretched but nothing terrible) 
    -great pace 
    -sweet outro scene 
    -good weapon placement 
    -perfect item balance 
    -navigation is great up/down/across/  


    -a few nav issues on the trains map 2 I think?where the bots don't follow 
    -not a big fan of defend yourself finales but this one is good tbh 
    -needs a bit more detail in the underground train area (decals ,stains ,trash ,graffiti) 


    The pros are awesome and the cons are minor. 
    I nominated this to be featured as it totally deserves it BIG time.With all the mapping I have been doing at the moment on the dlc I just didn't have time to try out some new stuff and I totally don't regret playing this one bit I had a blast.Maybe and it's just a maybe cut map 1 into 2 maps that's just an idea. 
    Anyway an overall excellent campaign def worth the download and def has good replay ability and is def worth trying out on versus (hope I'll be able to vs this soon ) 
    Good job collini keep up the good work and it shows there are a lot of talented mappers out there. 
    Thumbs up!! 

    This review was posted before the latest release.

Published Items

  • 6 Maps
    2 evil eyes l4d2

    I have decided to release a final version with all the fixes that people noticed playing 2ee. I havent rebuilt all the areas that seem a bit 'fantasy'like for some as not to destroy all the fun.Hope you all have a kick out of discovering...


End of results.