Browsing 'City / Urban' Maps

There are 3 results.
  • Map
    Coruscant: City

    The Coruscant: City map can be played at both eras. Historical Background: Clone Wars era: A battle blazes above Coruscant, General Grievous has just made a daring abduction of the Chancellor. The expendable CIS droids used as a distrac...

  • Map
    Coruscant: Streets

    Coruscant Streets map can be played at the Clone Wars or Galactic Civil War era . Background story: Clone Wars: While preparing the hijacking of Chancellor Palpatine the CIS started a diversion down in the lower levels of Coruscant Cit...

  • Map
    Battle of Abridon City

    The Abridon city map can be played either at the Galactic Civil War era or at the Clonewar era. Historical Background: Galactic Civil War: The Deathstar was destroyed near Yavin. Now the citizens of the Planet Abridon decided that it´s...


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