• 6 Maps
    Back to school

    The storyline offer new setting of Borden city, struggling to survive in an epidemic apocalypse alongside with four heroes from the original L4D. They are getting a chance to save themselves, since US marines are coming back in the aband...

  • 6 Maps
    Dead Before Dawn (Uncut)
    Beta N/A

    "BrInG mE a BeEr, h'I nEeD a BeEeEeR!!!" (c) Hank Kowalski This is a very first version of this campaign ever released before even Left 4 Dead 2 came out. It has cut from further versions tasks, randomizations, voicelines, overall ma...

  • 6 Maps

    Latest release 5/24/2024 Navigate through piles of tank poop while fighting hordes.

    • Updated
  • 3 Maps
    The Tsunami City : Dark Tide

    海啸暴发后,幸存者们逃到楼顶,在海水和丧尸潮中寻求救援... After the tsunami hit, survivors fled to the roof of the building, seeking rescue in the sea and the tide of zombies... 建图代码 - Map Code ttc_m1_college ttc_m2_roof ttc_m...

  • 6 Maps
    广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.12

    -简介 由 Nick 带领的四人小队登上了直升机,故事开始于比尔四人组在离直升机不远的地方,他们得知最后的疏散地点设在市中心广场。 -须知 此地图一共有四个部分,如果在游玩过程出现紫黑格或ERROR模型请确保你已经订阅下载好另外三个部分(PART)。 ...

  • 3 Maps
    The Tsunami City : Dark Tide

    海啸暴发后,幸存者们逃到楼顶,在海水和丧尸潮中寻求救援... After the tsunami hit, survivors fled to the roof of the building, seeking rescue in the sea and the tide of zombies... 建图代码 - Map Code ttc_m1_college ttc_m2_roof ttc_m...

  • 5 Maps
    City of the Dead Redux (L4D2 Version)

    City of the Dead Redux is a remake of City of the Dead originally released back in 2016, from the ground up. It incorporates the same general ideas of the original, while improving upon them. The Survivors must make their way thr...

  • 5 Maps
    Chernobyl: Chapter One

    The World in Shambles The infection continues to spread all over the Eurasian mainland, leaving its governments in disarray. With no other option in mind, the remaining survivors are heading east to reach the Siberian tundra. As rumor h...

  • 5 Maps
    《HOME TOWN》Custom Weapon

    》》》This version replaces more than half of the weapon models, as well as TANK, WITCH, and modifies the properties of all weapons! 《《《 Hello everyone, I am Huang He. This is my first official map. After three years of development, ...

  • 6 Maps
    Cambalache 2 - Total Remake

    (English description at bottom) *ROKU: Level design - Custom props and textures *SKESSLER: Tester - Custom zombies *BATATA BIÓNICA: Músico - Productor de la version "tango" del tema de L4D2 *Muchas gracias a todos mis tester!...

    • Updated
  • 4 Maps
    At the gloaming Ⅲ
    Beta 6.5

    黄昏时刻系列的第三部。在北方大桥对面的城区也爆发了感染,幸存者们被军方直升机抛弃,不得不另寻出路... The third installment of the <at the gloaming> series.There was also an outbreak of infection in the city across the Northern Bridge, an...

    • Updated
  • 7 Maps
    Resident Evil 3

    A Left 4 Dead 2 campaign based on Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Things you have to know: -I changed the name (Raccoon City Nemesis) to avoid problems of people who dont know this campaign is based on Resident Evil 3. 0. This is no...

    • Updated
  • 5 Maps

    人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全回部精力都献给了人生最答宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。 ...

  • 4 Maps
    At the gloaming Ⅲ
    Beta 6.5

    黄昏时刻系列的第三部。在北方大桥对面的城区也爆发了感染,幸存者们被军方直升机抛弃,不得不另寻出路... The third installment of the <at the gloaming> series.There was also an outbreak of infection in the city across the Northern Bridge, an...

    • Updated
  • 5 Maps
    Cold Front

    After fighting their way North through ravenous hordes, Nick, Coach, Ellis, and Rochelle abandon their boat at a nearby dock due to a collapsed bridge. With nowhere else to go, the survivors head inland in hopes of finding rescue. Unbe...

  • 6 Maps
    Dead Before Dawn (Uncut)
    Beta N/A

    "BrInG mE a BeEr, h'I nEeD a BeEeEeR!!!" (c) Hank Kowalski This is a very first version of this campaign ever released before even Left 4 Dead 2 came out. It has cut from further versions tasks, randomizations, voicelines, overall ma...

  • 6 Maps
    Cambalache 2 - Total Remake

    (English description at bottom) *ROKU: Level design - Custom props and textures *SKESSLER: Tester - Custom zombies *BATATA BIÓNICA: Músico - Productor de la version "tango" del tema de L4D2 *Muchas gracias a todos mis tester!...

    • Updated

Browsing 'City / Urban' Maps

There are 597 results.
  • Map
    Let's Build a Searchlight!

    STORY: After wandering through the desolate city for days, the 4 original survivors catch a break when they spot a rescue helicopter circling the night sky. Now they only have to get its attention... ABOUT: A 'Let's Build' map (v1....

  • 2 Maps
    Unforgivable Night

    This is a campaign with 4 chapters, This is the continuation of the Unforgotten Day campaign. History: The survivors came to the port, the driver told them that there was a concert tower nearby and they had to go and turn on the rockets ...

  • 2 Maps
    The Parish (Demo)

    This add-on features the demo version of The Parish that was released all the way back in 2009, and is still available today on the Xbox 360 store. The main difference is that it only features the first two maps of the campaign, and on t...

  • 4 Maps

    Inspired by Code Vein Travel through the city of ruins where everything is dead. IMPORTANT NOTE: - Low settings will crash the map. Campaign Details: - 4 Maps - No Saferoom Credits: I Don't own anything I used from my map. All rights...

  • Map

    Read comment: This is my first campaign, the rescue is really buggy but I had one way out unfortunately. This map have 2 chapters: chapter 1 it's a bit short and chapter 2 is longer. Hope you enjoy this campaign and have fun!

  • 5 Maps
    Health Reform (beta) port l4d1

    The survivors find themselves on a riverbed and follow a road to the town. Then they must fight to the top of the office building where the rescue helicopter awaits.

  • 5 Maps
    Road to Deep part 2

    The same deepp style of the new Xtreme, currently do 2, after the level will be updated, more different scenes will show. Level process: M1: from the flooded city shuttle,each intersection is blocked by obstacles, had to travel to the u...

  • 5 Maps
    Road to Deep part 1

    The same deepp style of the new Xtreme, currently do 2, after the level will be updated, more different scenes will show. Level process: M1: from the flooded city shuttle,each intersection is blocked by obstacles, had to travel to the u...

  • 4 Maps
    Resident Evil 2 - Side B

    Things you have to know: 0. I speak Spanish and some English. I'm from Argentina, if you use another language I wont understand xD 1. This is not a recreation, it is a campaign based on Resident Evil 2 (Claire B) and is playable with ...

  • 4 Maps
    Resident Evil 2 - Side A

    Things you have to know: It is a double campaign, Side B can be downloaded here on Gamemaps. 1. This is not a recreation, it is a campaign based on Resident Evil 2 (Leon A) and is playable with L4D2 survivors. I've made several changes...

  • 5 Maps
    Journey After Parish

    After the Parish, the survivors' helicopter crashes and they go find rescue. They eventually meet an old friend who saves them.

  • 4 Maps
    Resident Evil 2: Source - L4D2 Edition
    Beta 6.7

    A L4D2 conversion of my HL2 mod Resident Evil 2: Source Based on OG RE2, Leon A Scenario. This campaign has quite a few puzzle elements in it, especially in the 2nd chapter, and is not for the impatient. This is still in beta, expect ...

  • 7 Maps

    Claustrophobia (AKA, The Sewer) is a converted Half-Life 2 mod made by me. This campaign features seven maps starting from a dank, dark sewer, leading all the way up to a Canyon, also features various puzzles and several optional paths t...

  • 4 Maps
    Prison Break

    The company is based on the American TV series (Prison Break)"Escape". The company has 4 chapters. 1. Fox River. (The beginning of the company, you will find yourself in the famous Fox River prison) 2. "Prison yard."- (After he found a...

  • 6 Maps
    Zengcheng Guangzhou City

    A series of " life" There is only one! The real city on the map refers to Guangzhou, the level of technology and time will not be exactly the same I'm afraid there is no hope, so complete the update and improve the previous one The mappi...

  • 4 Maps
    Damned City 2

    The survivors armored truck has ran out of fuel near I-76 in Pennsylvania. The survivors must detour to a nearby town to find help to get to Riverside. You start in a small village and you fight your way through hundreds of zombies to a...

    • Archived
  • 4 Maps
    Dead Street

    campaña media acabada que me encontré en un pots de redit la verdad la campaña esta medio mala pero esta chida en fin si saben quien es el autor póngalo en los comentarios

  • 4 Maps
    Time to Die

    The Survivors Travel Through Time and Space! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After narrowly escaping from yet another Infected horde, four desperate Southern Survivors decide to search for a secret governm...

  • 4 Maps

    A brand new 4 level campaign for Autumn 2020. A long running project finally completed due to Covid-19 lock-down. A train wreck an underground lab and a zombie prison riot, can this day get any worse? Featuring original maps created by R...

  • Map
    Arknights map 0-1(明日方舟 地图 0-1)

    【说明】这是一个生存者模式的地图,素材来源于明日方舟 [Introduction] This is a survivor mode map,the material comes from Arknights [Note] This map does not have guns, this is to restore the settings of the mobile game 【注意】这个地...
