• 6 Maps
    City 17 : Aftermath

    "Love and gratitude, never say never." Survivors who escaped from "City 17" meet new adventures and challenges. Now a mysterious and abandoned mine is waiting for them, which is inhabited by a strange survivor. But that's not all, the...

  • 4 Maps

    This campaign takes place in Prague, Czech Republic during the onset of the apocalypse. Players will have to travel across the city through 4 different districts in order to reach the last remaining evacuation point. IT'S RECOMMENDED ...

  • 6 Maps
    Dead Before Dawn (Uncut)
    Beta N/A

    "BrInG mE a BeEr, h'I nEeD a BeEeEeR!!!" (c) Hank Kowalski This is a very first version of this campaign ever released before even Left 4 Dead 2 came out. It has cut from further versions tasks, randomizations, voicelines, overall ma...

  • 4 Maps
    Dead Series

    This is the latest version (v5.0) but look out for v6 coming late Q1 2024.. (Hopefully !) 😅 4 Survivors escaped and stole a hummer in the military base in witch they were experimented on...🧟 As they began to distinguish the city on...

  • 4 Maps
    再见了,南宁/Goodbye,Nanning V5.4 (重置/Reset)

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - 从心圩街来到电力学校附近的四人组决定寻找其它出路。 - 此地图一共四张,其中一张为生还者模式,因学业繁忙,本来想做到第5关的。 - 每张地图都有生还者,对抗模式。 - 此地图难度较高,请...

  • 5 Maps
    City of the Dead Redux (L4D2 Version)

    City of the Dead Redux is a remake of City of the Dead originally released back in 2016, from the ground up. It incorporates the same general ideas of the original, while improving upon them. The Survivors must make their way thr...

  • 4 Maps
    Last Breath

    Lastbreath Available on the Steam Workshop The survivors find themselves stranded, again. They have no choice but to push forward and fight until their very last breath. Question is will there be anyone left to save them? If so, wi...

  • 5 Maps
    City of the Dead Redux (L4D2 Version)

    City of the Dead Redux is a remake of City of the Dead originally released back in 2016, from the ground up. It incorporates the same general ideas of the original, while improving upon them. The Survivors must make their way thr...

  • 5 Maps
    Lockdown: Chapter Two

    I recommend that you play LockdownDLC first if you haven't already as this is the sequel, and the story continues from where it left off. - 5 maps - Story continues where LockdownDLC left off - Several maps have hidden areas with ...

  • 5 Maps

    The survivors start at the elementary school Anna Frank in Pesaro and they have to reach the Fiorenzuola shore where a fishboat awaits them to escape. This is my first campaign. After having played many campaigns set in USA, UK, Spain...

  • 4 Maps
    Blood Tracks Fixed

    Final version 4 4 map campaign, new weapons, new music Supports all modes including scavenge and survival Remixed missing credits music Refurbished safe room doors Restored custom icons for custom melee weapons Replaced event tank ...

  • 3 Maps
    Lord Of The Rings Campaign

    Abandoned for years campaign is now complete and fully functional. Basically a mashed potato of two CS:S Zombie Escape mod maps and finale map from HL2 mod Age of Chivalry. So don't expect this to be a triple A type of campaign and it's...

  • 6 Maps
    Dead Before Dawn (Uncut)
    Beta N/A

    "BrInG mE a BeEr, h'I nEeD a BeEeEeR!!!" (c) Hank Kowalski This is a very first version of this campaign ever released before even Left 4 Dead 2 came out. It has cut from further versions tasks, randomizations, voicelines, overall ma...

  • 5 Maps

    人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全回部精力都献给了人生最答宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。 ...

  • 6 Maps
    广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.12

    -简介 由 Nick 带领的四人小队登上了直升机,故事开始于比尔四人组在离直升机不远的地方,他们得知最后的疏散地点设在市中心广场。 -须知 此地图一共有四个部分,如果在游玩过程出现紫黑格或ERROR模型请确保你已经订阅下载好另外三个部分(PART)。 ...


Browsing 'Clear' Maps

There are 101 results.
  • 5 Maps
    No Man's Land (R2L ONLY)

    [Requires] RIGHT 2 LIVE MOD https://www.gamemaps.com/details/27965 'This looks like a good shortcut' someone said. Of course no one is admitting to it now that you're broken down in the middle of the road. And of all the places to ru...

  • 5 Maps
    Undead Zone (Fixed)

    The Undead Zone is a Left 4 Dead 2 campaign based on upcoming film Mary Doe. The campaign stars horror legend Tom Savini and will take players through 5 unique and challenging levels. Enter the Undead Zone if you dare. The Undead Zone...

  • 4 Maps
    King PlatteLAN

    King PlatteLAN A small 4 map, campaign i made long ago for a lan party for friends. Years later, i gave this mod some love, and heavy improvements for public launch, its still a short campaign, but fun for sure! Enjoy...

  • Map
    FPS Kit 2.0 Jumper

    This map was originally from a kit you can buy call FPS Kit 2.0 for unity and it has this parkour map in it I just ported it to Left 4 Dead 2, the map is not originally made by me.

  • 8 Maps
    Field of the Dead Ext. Mashup (Fixed)

    Note - The sniper can be killed. They shoot at anything moving so you can wait til an event or take your chances then or 5 / 6 well placed shots with a sniper rifle will kill them to great effect :). This mashup campaign is created from...

  • Map
    Exhausted Dead Life 2

    Exhausted Dead Life 2 - Ride Gone BotNav - Improved/fix it (if they got stuck they will teleport to you) Converted from BSP Files to VPK Nav minor adjustments to (S.I) Prevented (S.I) to get stuck Added/Fixed some props Fix it so...

    • Archived
  • Map
    Exhausted Dead Life

    BotNav - Improved/fix (if they got stuck they will teleport to you) Converted from BSP Files to VPK Nav adjustments to Infected (C.I & S.I) Fix it some bug Single-Player and select the map Exhausted Dead Life or Commands: map c_la...

    • Archived
  • 3 Maps
    Zero Warning [Updated]

    This is the most recently updated version of Zero Warning as found on the Steam Workshop. It is also likely the last version. Our four survivors are dropped off via helicopter in the mountainous wonderland, known as "Riverside Park", ...

    • Archived
  • 3 Maps
    Kimchi Zombie

    This is my second piece. And this is 3 map Co-op Campaign based on Korea landscape. Each of the 3 maps is challenging and will not be easy to beat. Maybe you feel like that every map is like a finale map. I want you to struggle in t...

  • 4 Maps
    Pesaro 4

    Everything has changed for the Survivors: they have found a handy Italian vehicle, hence they go against their destiny and decide to settle down just outside Pesaro in a comfortable abandoned house which needs repairs to make it a safe p...

  • 3 Maps
    Pesaro 3a Dose

    The survivors were delighted to finally leave Pesaro. However, a tank waiting outside the arena threw a rock at the chopper causing it to crash into the church of Pesaro 1. When the survivors get out of the destroyed chopper, they are we...

  • 4 Maps
    Last Breath

    Lastbreath Available on the Steam Workshop The survivors find themselves stranded, again. They have no choice but to push forward and fight until their very last breath. Question is will there be anyone left to save them? If so, wi...

  • Map
    The Lost Coast

    Lost Coast is a technology demo for HDR rendering capabilities, featuring around 10 minutes of gameplay. The coast, cliff, and monastery remain mostly untouched. Removed the distant landscape, since they really serve no purpose.

  • 5 Maps
    Lockdown: Chapter Two

    I recommend that you play LockdownDLC first if you haven't already as this is the sequel, and the story continues from where it left off. - 5 maps - Story continues where LockdownDLC left off - Several maps have hidden areas with ...

  • Map
    Sweet Budapest

    This map is based on the Hungarian city of Budapest. There is only one map, but the map is large and consists of 4 big events. 1: panic event in square until gate opens. 2: Find unlocking button for locked door in building 3: cross...

  • 2 Maps

    一时兴起做的亚利桑那州,该地图不可通关,只能在里面看风景,分为白天和夜晚版本。 The map of Arizona, which was created on a whim, cannot to play and can only be used to view the scenery. It is divided into day and night versions.

  • 5 Maps
    Death Aboard (Certified Hood Classic Port)

    In Death Aboard you start out in a prison and work your way out to the nearest docks area. From here, you board a stranded ship and finally to an island where there will be a lighthouse as a finale. The certified hood classic L4D campa...

  • 4 Maps

    这是我的第一幅地图,原本半年出完的,但由于自己太懒了硬是拖了将近两年图还没做完,最后不太想做图了所以草草发了 这是我自学了一个月地图制作后做出来的地图,如果某些地方做的不好还请各位见谅,毕竟我只学一点皮毛,做不到其他优秀地图的水准 这幅...

  • 5 Maps

    The survivors start at the elementary school Anna Frank in Pesaro and they have to reach the Fiorenzuola shore where a fishboat awaits them to escape. This is my first campaign. After having played many campaigns set in USA, UK, Spain...
