
Received 4 Awards. See Awards

No longer active.

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Reviews by x6herbius

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    It's easy to see this is made by someone who knows what they're doing in Hammer.
    Very well-detailed, immersive, realistic environments.
    Interesting idea with the church.
    Good fun to play.


    Fairly short.
    I cannot play the last level as it crashes on me, although I suspect this is Valve's doing since the same has happened on the final Sacrifice level ever since it has existed.


    A fun campaign to play through; a shame I can't get to the end, but what I have played through is very promising. Possibly a tad generic and a little short, but not at all bad.

Published Items

  • Map

    Inspired by the choke point mechanic of Warpath, and a little by the canals of Half-Life 2, Waterway sees RED and BLU battling it out in the back alleys of a remote facility for ownership of each other's control points. Server admins: s...

  • 7 Maps
    Lambda [Final 1.3]

    In case it wasn't clear, this campaign is no longer maintained or supported in any way. Campaign "details/7116" is an updated version ported in 2012/2013 by Keiji and/or Kevin (if my e-mail records serve me correctly), whose GameMaps ac...


End of results.