Recent Updates (Messages, Downloads, Notifications)

  • GameMaps (System)
    We have fixed a handful of bugs and implemented new features as mentioned below. 
    New Message System
    The new private message system has been completed and released.  This new system is not compatible with the old message system so we have divided each message system into two different tabs. The new message system now provides a continuous conversation between users with the ability to resume discussions at any given time. 
    Downloads / Watchlist
    We have fixed a large amount of bugs and fulfilled user requests that were listed in the 'In-depth feedback and suggestions.' discussions topic. We ask that you give the download system another try and report any new bugs, issues or requests moving forward. 
    In addition to getting notifications for the new message system you will also be notified when a forum discussion has new activity if you are watching that topic.  (In addition to your own topics and replies) We have added a 'bell' icon to the thread bars so you can easily toggle the notifications on/off.  We are contemplating adding a "Mark all read" option so users can quickly clear the notifications without having to read each message individually if they choose to do so.
    Forward looking updates.
    Moving forward we have a few things in the forefront that are planned to be completed next.
    - Notifications for files (When your file gets a new comment or social activity).
    - A cookies disclosure notice that allows you to read our privacy policy. 
    - Discontinue the old achievements and enable new achievements on the beta.
    - The ability to add and manage new games to the platform.
    - Fixing more bugs and completing requests from the 'In-depth feedback and suggestions.' topic. 
    As always, thanks for supporting GameMaps!
    - The GameMaps Team
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  • " - Discontinue the old achievements and enable new achievements on the beta "
    I hope it doesn't mean reseting its advancement, I mean all the "cash" we won are here to stay, right?
    Even if I never really understood what it's for ^^?
    0% 0%
  • "I hope it doesn't mean reseting its advancement, I mean all the "cash" we won are here to stay, right?
    Even if I never really understood what it's for ^^?"
    All the cash/credits you've earned will be transferred to the beta so you will not loose your rewards.  We are not sure how compatible the old achievements will be on the beta system yet so we will likely need to disable the old one, while enabling the new one on the beta.  We will do our best though to retain your achievement progress. 
    0% 0%
  • This is what I found so far in Download Manager.
    History tab don't have number in brackets like other tabs.
    Because of the bug above I cant see if bug with History tab numbers is fixed but I can see that its still not fixed in Download Manager menu on the left.  
    In Download Manager menu on the left if I click on for example Download History(or other links) it will redirect to History tab. When I refresh this page it redirects me to Download Queue tab. Also if I click on username or mod name from the list it will redirect me to those pages and when I go back it will redirect to Download Queue tab instead of History tab.
    This bug occurs only when I refresh page. So in history tab I checked on "Notify when updated" box(it added to Watchlist correctly) then refreshed page and it redirected me to Download Queue tab. Download selected button was active and I could download map that I just checked box on. Bug here is that in History tab the "Notify when updated" box was unchecked and box on the left was checked on.  
    After downloading something if I refresh page it asks to send data again. It will redownload mod.
    When I remove something from watchlist and then add it to watchlist again it will be in the same place on the list. Shouldn't it be on top of the list?
    I also found that in Notifications page "Clear" button is inactive. I can't press it.
    0% 0%
  • Hello greenhood, 
    The history tab doesnt contain a number in brackets because the maximum limit is 100 and it will end up becoming a static number. Because of this, we have removed the history count. 
    The download manager bugs you are reporting are not specifically bugs.  In fact the entire download manager uses the same URL no matter which tab you are on. Because of this, anytime you refresh you will always be taken back to the primary download screen.  One option is adding anchors to tabs so it loads the active tab when you refresh.  However we are anticipating people will be able to use the download system without having to refresh the page for an update. But we may add anchors to the tabs anyways just in case.
    I will check to see how the order for the watchlist is specified and if preferred change it to display the most recently watched items first. And your right, we still need to enable the clear notification option.  Many of these situations and bugs reported at the forums are planned to be tackled this coming week after we complete the 'Add New Game' feature. 
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End of results.