Recent Updates (Favorites, Updates, Requests, Bugs)

  • GameMaps (System)
    We have recently completed a wide range of updates that included many requests and fixing bugs reported from the community. We have provided a detailed list of these changes below.
    Favorites  (Games)
    We have added a new section to the members area to manage your list of favorite games. Adding games you enjoy or play frequently to your favorites will improve your overall experience. You now have the option to include discussions from your favorite games in the members 'Recent Discussions' section.
    Requests / Bug Fixes / Updates
    - (update)  Notification History and Account History has been combined into a single 'History' page and you can access this section from the members option panel in left sidebar. 
    - (update)  Privacy Settings and Payment settings have been combined into a single page 'Account Settings' and can be accessed from the members options panel in left sidebar.
    - (update)  We now display your 'Awards' count in the left Account Info panel on the left sidebar. This will tell you how many times you've received an award from other members. This will become more prevalent in the near future.
    - (update)  Account settings will now display if your e-mail is verified or not. If it's not verified, an option to send an activation link is available.
    - (fix)  Account settings now shows an edit icon next to your email to identify it can be updated.
    - (fix)  Social bans no longer shows the ability to disable or enable guest comments since the guest privilege has been completely removed from the beta.
    - (fix) History > My Activity now displays when you create a new topic or post a reply at the forums.
    - (fix) Dates such as '2 days ago' , '1 week ago' , etc... are now more accurately reported.
    - (fix/request)  Removed the discussion lock icon / option because this is intended as a moderator function.
    - (fix/request)  The discussions input box has been updated to full width of the page.
    - (fix/request)  Removed a transparent arrow on discussions which became irrelevant after style edits.
    - (request) We added a edit icon next to your avatar image to better understand how to change your avatar.
    - (request) The ability to change and update your avatar is also available from the Profile Settings page.
    - (request) The donate option was removed, however the name was changed to 'Payments' in the event we need to send a payment to a member. The option to display a donate button on your profile was removed.
    - (request) You can now see a files 'Creation' date in addition to its 'Updated' date at the details page.
    - (request) The download notification count in the header has been made bold with a shadow so its easier to see.
    - (request) The number counts in the left sidebar have been increased for easier visibility.
    - (bug) Fixed a bug that caused clicking 'Add New Game' from game select to go to a 404 error.
    - (bug) Fixed a bug that caused mod titles to overlap the game names at the homepage.
    Forward looking updates.
    Our forward looking updates remain unchanged as we are currently working on the following tasks...
    - The ability to add and manage new games to the platform.
    - Fixing the bugs and completing requests from the community at the forum discussions.
    - Improving your browsing experience to show top content, trending content, and adding more ways to discover content.
    We appreciate your feedback and patience. 
    - The GameMaps Team
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End of results.