Feedback about recent updates

  • I got sick for two weeks. I actually thought I got Covid. Thankfully not. Anyway I have some feedback on updates told in topics:
    Recent Updates (Profiles, Awards, Members)
    Recent Updates (Favorites, Updates, Requests, Bugs)
    The new profile bar is nice, but I suggest a small change. The credits text is a bit to big. This is probably to stand out this info, but I would make it the same size as achievements and published items text. 
    I see that there are plans to add Private message and Subscribe button as it is missing now.
    Bug. I tested this in iLL profile. In Recent content tab I changed filter to Left 4 Dead and it found nothing with text "iLL has not added any add-ons yet!". Problem here is that filtering options disappear so I have to go back to previous page or click on different tab to see filter options again. Beside why is Left 4 Dead game in filter list if iLL didn't add mods to this game.
    Bug. At the bottom of the page in Top 10 mods box. If description of the mod is too long, then while hovering over the list of mods, the bottom size of the box on the left will change. Also for some reason some of the thumbnail pictures have different sizes.
    In Account info menu on the left I suggest to make "Awards" button let redirect to Awards page.
    Question about awards. I got awarded with 70 credit points from one of the maps. If I want to award someone the minimum amount is 100 and on bottom there is this text "70% of the credits will be sent to publisher and 30% to GameMaps". I understand that this is why I received 70 points. But what is the idea behind this? Shouldn't the award be full 100 points?  
    I suggest to move "History" from Options menu to My account menu. It is a part of notification system so I would not consider it as options feature. Maybe even change name from "History" to "Notifications".
    Bug. When I go to "History" and then click on "My notifications" tab I get popup window with "Marking notifications as read failed". I can click Ok and it disappear. This repeat every time I get new notification.
    Bug? When I get notifications red circle shows on "News / Updates" tab. When I click on the tab, bellow I can see list of discussions, but I don't see which of those discussions was updated and which one is new. Before each discussion had red circle to show it was updated or new. I get it that I can see date of newest posts, but I suggest to add that red circle near the bell icon.
    I also think that showing red circle near Dashboard button is unnecessary. Perhaps show it only on "Recent Discussions" and "News / Updates" tab. And maybe on list of discussion too(like I described above).
    "(bug) Fixed a bug that caused clicking 'Add New Game' from game select to go to a 404 error."
    This bug still exists in Discussions pages. For example in this topic on the left side you can click on "Add a new game" and it will redirect to 404 page.
    I found another bug in mod page. Clicking on Developer name redirects to search list of all mods of this developer. It should show mods, but right now search results is zero. Also in some of the mods Developer info is missing. For example here:
    0% 0%
  • M iLL
    Hello Greenhood, 
    Glad to head your feeling better!    We have fixed the various profile bugs you have mentioned in addition to adding new features like the featured slider and options like subscribe and message. We will elaborate more details in the news announcement that releases tomorrow.
    The news/updates tab only notifies when news has been released and clicking the News/Updates tab also clears the notification.  This is in the event your away for awhile, you dont have to open and read every news item to remove the notifications.
    The History is not intended to be used as notifications although it currently is for awards.. This is temporary, the history tab should only contain your notification and activity history but not be the primary source of receiving notifications. Right now we have a notification appearing there until we relocate the notification to a more appropriate location. We haven't had the chance to get to fixing the notification bug which I did confirm, however we will get to fixing this bug in the near future. 
    The details page for files is still in development and still has a handful of work and updates pending to be released. The developer/publisher situation is currently being planned for updates and it should improve once we get finishing the details, adding content, and adding games updates. 
    The awards are setup to provide a tiered reward breakdown which provides a self managed and sustainable ecosystem. We will elaborate more about these details in the future when related news becomes available. I will touch on the topic for you in the meantime. 
    "70% of the credits will be sent to publisher and 30% to GameMaps"
    When a user awards a publisher 100 credits the reward distribution is as follows. 
    70% - Goes to the publisher.
    10-20% - Goes to the Game Manager 
    10-20% - Goes to GameMaps staff. (Game Support, Moderators, etc..)
    There are various ways the remaining 30% will be used to enhance the overall quality of the platform. This is because without Game Managers there would be no publishers, or motivation to populate games to begin with.  And Game Managers will be rewarded based on the overall performance of the games ecosystem (such as awards and other factors).  
    We encourage those who are serious about being Game Managers to add new games and/or claim existing games if you are looking to improve the games ecosystem. This provides Game Managers additional incentives and ways to earn rewards for their hard work. If you manage a game successfully and let's say it becomes a popular game on the platform, you could earn a substantial amount of rewards/credits. 
    At the same time it provides a better experience everyone, the managers, publishers and the players.
    Thanks for taking the time to test our new updates and features.
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  • Ok, splitting Awards like this makes sense. 
    In profile that slider shows mods and maps. Are these random or is there a way to choose what is in the slider?
    Also in the profile is the Featured tab, below Recent Content and above Top 10, necessary to be there? Slider is already acting like Featured tab.
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End of results.