Recent Updates (Profiles, Achievements, Games)

  • GameMaps (System)
    As we continue to improve your browsing experience we have completed the following updates listed below.
    Member profiles have been further monetized so visitors can discover content. Although we still have a few updates remaining for profiles the majority of this section is now complete. Here are some recent updates.
    [new] - Featured slider will show the Top10 maps/mods for the month. We plan to allow publishers to specifically choose which items to feature in the slider in the near future. 
    [new] - Featured content - This section will pick a 'random' 5 items to promote so that all your content has an opportunity to be discovered. 
    [added] - The ability to subscribe or private message a member has been added. 
    [bug] - Fixed a bug that caused the profile theme to change to game theme when changing games.
    [bug] - Fixed a bug that allowed you to select games with no public content.
    [bug] - Fixed thumbnail issues in the Top 10 content box.
    [bug] - Fixed long file titles from disrupting the design.
    [>pending] - Fix the option to select 'All Games' after changing the game filter.
    [>pending] - Adding options to follow a users external services (YouTube, Steam, Twitter)
    [>pending] - Fix bugs that are causing unreleased content to appear in featured areas.
    [>pending] - Include a way to view unreleased content / coming soon.
    [>pending] - Include another set of featured items that show 'Top Award Winners'.
    [>pending] - Allow publishers to select which items appear in the featured slider.
    You can now view the achievement progress of any member by clicking their level or by visiting their awards page. This is particularly useful when a user is awarded medals (future) and you can see how they were obtained. In addition it provides transparency on the route a user has taken to achieve their account level.
    The game homepages have started to adopt the new content modules (slider, top10, etc... as seen in profiles). This is the very early workings of getting the games homepage completed as there are a lot more elements that will be added. Our focus is getting the profiles + games homepage 100% to satisfaction before expanding similar features across the entire site. (maps, mods, sub categories, tags, etc...)
    Forward looking updates.
    Our forward looking updates remain unchanged as we are currently working on the following tasks...
    - The ability to add and manage new games to the platform.
    - Fixing the bugs and completing requests from the community at the forum discussions.
    - Improving your browsing experience to show top content, trending content, and adding more ways to discover content.
    We appreciate your feedback and patience.  
    Thanks for supporting GameMaps!
    - The GameMaps Team
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  • I just wanted to thank you people for the awards that 3 of my mods were given!
    Also, I'm glad to see that progress is being made on the site.
    0% 0%
  • "[bug] - Fixed thumbnail issues in the Top 10 content box."
    This is still not fixed for me. Check my profile Top 10 box. 
    Not that necessary, but I suggest to add indication that user is online. Perhaps make that white circle around avatar change to green color when person is online. Or add green circle near avatar. And maybe add same indication in discussions.
    I noticed that when notifications number is 1 and I check that notification it takes about 4 to 5 seconds delay until that last notification is removed. I checked this by checking that notification couple times and also by refreshing page couple times.
    Also, In Dashboard, wouldn't it be better if Account info menu box will be under My account menu box?
    100% 0%
  • Hello Greenhood, 
    For the Top10 situation if the description is a little longer than usual it might expand the top10 area slightly.  This is not really a bug and is just an affect of the long descriptions.  Generally we dont see this as a problem but we could shorten the length of the description displayed. 
    The Account Info menu box was planned to hold temporary items and stats that did not yet have a place to be displayed.  After further development, all the items in the Account Info box are now displayed in their intended positions. Therefore this box is no longer needed and may even be removed or replaced with different information.  Most of the data is now displayed in your Account Info bar at the top of your account page and in various other areas. 
    As for the user online notification request, we will look into this possibility. 
    100% 0%
  • I would prefer if you shorten the length of the displayed description in Top10 area, but its ok if you don't.
    0% 0%

End of results.