Recent Updates (Monetization, Progress, Bug Fixes)

  • GameMaps (System)
    We are making great progress as we continue with our monetization tasks and updates. There are many new features behind the scenes that add much more power to ensuring a safe and fun atmosphere. Features such as the new flagging system and profanity filters are already making a difference. Let's review some of the updates and changes below. 
    New Monetization Features
    - Flagged Content: Content items that are automatically flagged for review through our series of algorithms to detect abuse, violations and other offensive content or behavior. All items that get flagged will be alerted and reviewed by staff.
    - Profanity Filter: A profanity word list that is used to censor comments, titles, descriptions, change-logs and usernames. Any comments and reviews that contained profanity in the past have been removed. Future comments will soon be censored and may also be purged during future monetization phases.
    - Pending Review: All items that become flagged for an assortment of reasons will require a review by a GameMaps staff member. Majority of the items that are flagged for review are done through an automatic algorithm process. It doesn't matter who or what is flagged, all users must abide by the same policy and terms.
    You can follow the monetization progress details from the url below.
    Monetization Progress / General
    - 8,680 Comments removed. (Monetization Result)
    - 3,153 Reviews removed. (Monetization Result)
    - 1,559 Items have been successfully monetized. (Monetization Result)
    - 513 items were flagged for review. (Monetization Result)
    - Estimated monetization progress is now 17% complete.
    - The Top10 module now accurately displays correct results. (games and members area)
    Items Details Page
    - The thumbs up / down rating is now displayed under the title.
    - The language has been removed from the details page.
    - Details page says 'comments disabled' message when comments are disabled.
    - Removed comments will now specify if its from a publisher, moderator or policy violation.
    - The platform icon 'For PC' will appear for all current items.
    - Clicking the developer name will no longer initiate a search.
    Adding/Editing Content
    - You can now upload up to 20 images.
    - The add image button now displays the current/max count supported.
    - Images that have long filenames will no longer return an error.
    - UHD images larger than 5000px will no longer display an error.
    - When deleting an image and uploading a new image the correct thumbnail will appear.
    - Added an edit icon next to thumnail to clarify it can be edited.
    - Selecting a platform (pc, mobile, console) has been hidden at this time.
    - Adding or editing a video will not redirect you to another tab.
    - You can now add and remove user tags seamlessly.
    - Now you can only select one seasonal holiday tag.
    - When editing content a title bar and listing details is displayed.
    Forward looking updates.
    Our forward looking updates remain unchanged as we are currently working on the following tasks...
    - Content monetization and member administration.
    - The ability to add and manage new games to the platform.
    - Fixing the bugs and completing requests from the community.
    - Improving your browsing experience to show top content, trending content, and adding more ways to discover content.
    We appreciate your feedback and patience.  
    Thanks for supporting GameMaps!
    - The GameMaps Team
    100% 0%
  • "- Removed comments will now specify if its from a publisher, moderator or policy violation."
    This seems to not work. I removed some offensive comments and they just disappear.
    "- Clicking the developer name will no longer initiate a search."
    I would suggest to change this so it will redirect to developer profile. Of course you will need to implement the system that I said before. That when typing developer name it would autofill usernames and checking if name of that developer is in user database.
    0% 0%
  • Hello Greenhood, 
    At this time if you remove a guest comment it will delete the comment entirely.  We could change this to show a message, however guest comments are temporary and will not be possible on the beta. 
    The crediting system is planned for improvement down the road.  At the moment we have removed the link from the details page.  This credit system, including updating how the changelog will work requires a bit of in depth planning. Currently we have our hands full, but we will definitely get to these tasks at some point! 
    0% 0%

End of results.