Recent Updates (Browsing, Themes, Monetization)

  • GameMaps (System)
    In this batch of updates our primary focus was on browsing content and resolving conflicts with browsing between different games. Our goal is to launch the beta to a large amount of users by the end of next week which requires a few more core tasks that must first be completed. What's next you may ask? Our sights are now focused on the item details page, and item listings. 
    Below is a list of the recent updates.
    Platform Updates
    - NEW - Credits Shop 'Profile Theme' allows you to modify your profile theme color for 500 credits. At some point in the future you will also be given the ability to upload your own profile wallpaper image. 
    - Game pages allow for a custom sub-text below the logo/name.
    - As long as there is content to browse, a featured slider will always appear. 
    - Reduced the inner shadow and depth on sliders.
    - Game homepage navigation elements greatly improved across all games.
    - Game themes can now optionally display a transparent game logo.
    - Game headers are updated to allow a more compact universal display.
    - All sub-menu items when browsing will be expanded by default. 
    - Improving the title and filter display so what your viewing is more transparent.
    - Slider items will now only show one line descriptions. 
    - Applied featured sliders to all browse sections. 
    - Browsing content will display the active filters under the title bar.
    - Fixed a bug that showed empty sidebar filters from appearing.
    - Made the site icons hosted locally to improve platform speed and reliability.
    Monetization Updates
    - Applied any appropriate system tags for custom maps based on user tags.
    - Applied new tags to custom maps based on analyzing its data (title/description).
    - It has been detected that a moderate amount of spam and advertisements have made their way into the user profiles. To combat the spam in the past, we cleared 76,080 profiles messages detected to contain spam. 
    Happy New Year!
    0% 0%

End of results.