Recent Updates (New Image Gallery, Platform Fixes)

  • GameMaps (System)
    With this update we have released the new Gallery area for beta testers to enjoy in addition to a few minor platform updates.  Don't be shy! Feel free to upload screenshots, avatars, wallpapers and whatever else your heart desires. If you encounter any bugs, have any questions, comments, or would simply like to leave some feedback do not hesitate to reply.  We look forward to the weeks ahead as we continue to prepare the beta for a larger audience.
    Platform Updates
     - Increased image quality for thumbnail images.
     - Discussions / Guides are now grouped in sidebar under Publications.
     - Fixed a bug that caused your comments style to be broken until refresh.
     - New Map Environment 'Medieval / Castles' is now available.
     - Gallery sidebar has been added to the members area.
    New Image Gallery
    The new gallery has been released on the members-side.  You can now upload pretty much any type of image you can think of for any game. The one thing that is not yet supported is animated images, so we ask that you refrain from uploading animations at this time as they will not work. 
    - If you upload game Avatars they will immediately be available for members to select from at the Profile Settings page. You can turn any image into an avatar by cropping the portion of the image you want to focus on. 
      - The GameMaps Beta uses a different videos system than the live site. (Gallery) Any videos added to the new gallery will not appear on the live site. Any videos added on the live site will NOT appear in the new gallery. Keep in mind that videos tied to add-ons are now purely from the gallery so we recommend using the beta here forward for this feature.  Videos will be discontinued on the live site starting next week.
      - You can now pair ANY gallery item to a GameMaps URL or file ID. This is the same process used to pair your videos. You can pair your screenshots, images, avatars etc... to any file on GameMaps and in the future this content will be discoverable from the items details page. 
     - Duplicate image detection is active.  To reduce the chances of someone uploading an image that's already been added to the gallery we have enabled duplicate protection. If the image already exists it should error and let you know.
     - You can add captions, credits and pair images to files.  For obvious reasons we recommend giving credit to the original author of the image if it is known.  If it is not known, leave this field blank and we will allow users to tag credits in the future. Adding a caption to your image may also increase the likeliness of discovery. 
    - Gallery Pairing is two sided.  This means you can pair your image to any file on the site, in addition the publisher of any file can also pair the image or video to their file as well. File publishers can also remove pairs if they find a item that shouldn't be paired to their map or mod.
    What's to come?  The Gallery
    The new image gallery is still in development and we are working on many additional features.  Some of the features coming soon we have listed below. 
    - Tagging images:  All members will be able to add community tags to images to help identify and classify image items. We will also allow all members to tag credits to any image in the system so any conflicts can be resolved immediately.
    - Views, Likes, Comments:  In the near future the images will tell you how many times they have been viewed. In addition members will be able to add +1 likes and even leave a comment.
    - Gallery browser: Of course one could expect a way to browse gallery items that are submitted for any game.  A fully functional gallery browser with all the bells and whistles will be released once the members gallery area is fully completed and tested.
    - Adding support for animated images.
    Thanks for supporting GameMaps!
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  • I tested the Gallery. 
    There is no indication that image is uploading. It is specially a problem when someone have slow internet because the larger the resolution of the image is the more time it takes to upload. 
    Number in brackets don't update immediately. Only after refreshing the page or clicking on another tab.
    I suggest to place uploaded images under the blue button so the blue button don't resize. It would be at the same size all the time. 
    It would be nice to add credited author in the image thumbnail like caption is added. Unless credits will be visible somewhere in the details page.
    Profanity filter don't work in caption and credit field.
    I remember that Webp image format was suppose to be supported. Right now is not recognized as image format.
    There is a spelling error when category have only one item. Go to Gallery and before choosing game choose category that have only one item. Below the game box will display text "1 items", should be "1 item". 
    This is a weird bug. I downloaded Gamemaps default no avatar image(when user didn't choose the avatar yet), made a little change and then uploaded it with different name. For some reason I can add this image multiple times without red warning that image exists. However the red error will show if I edit one of the images for example add Title/Caption. This bug also happens if I add avatar for the first time, then name it and then add the same file. I can remove the name and then I can add the same file again. Also I can add this image in other categories too without that red warning. Its a PNG image, name is no-avatar-mask, resolution is 200x200px and size is 19,4 KB.
    Uploading avatar for the first time stretches it out and so making it blurry. Since avatars are small I suggest to make it the same size as the cropped size. 
    It would also be good to have option to choose already uploaded avatars directly from the Gallery or Profile settings. Perhaps I want to go back to previous avatar image so I could just change it instead of uploading it to the site again.  
    I think that Avatar and Icon categories are pretty much the same, unless Icons will be used in some way later on. 
    Icons usually are small so the crop feature should be available here. 
    100% 0%
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End of results.