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How get rollermine
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Half-Life 2 Guide
Little tricks There is nothing complicated about it, there are things that are more difficult to do so that they work correctly. You can take and carry with you through a lot of cards the very one that we find on the plot on the second black mesa map, but it will take a lot of time and you need to go a long way even to nova prospekt and on the fifth map nova avenue we can jump into a broken window and not mine pass, it will stop an invisible barrier that can not be overcome. This barrier is Brushes and Physcollide. Brushes can be easily removed, Physcollide as it turned out too. In fact, the mine does not pass only because of Physcollide. There you can go around elsewhere if you remove the slidingdoor quite nearby, to do this, just open the Notepad ++ file d2_prison_05.bsp which is in the maps folder and replace the word slidingdoor with slidingdool, for example, though this will remove all the available lattice doors on this map , but there are only 4 of them and they are so located that their absence will hardly affect the main order of passage in the story. Or you can aim the sight at rollermine, write npc_select in the game console and then look at the place where we want to move it, write npc_teleport and it will be there. There is also a console command to directly create a rollermine, ent_create npc_rollermine, but it will be with a shock attack ability and it’s better not to do that :) These two files add a mine to the 5 nova prospekt card and remove an invisible obstacle in the broken window But if you go to the map without weapons, it will be impossible to fight the forces of the alliance, these commands will help: give item_suit, give weapon_physcannon, give weapon_crowbar, sk_plr_dmg_crowbar 50 Or, you can simply he does not have a player on this map ikak weapons and even costume lies not in these files and in the game itself, or rather the lack of appropriate global_newgame_spawner. So you can carry a mine to the teleport itself
Actually the method itself, which turned out to be quite simple It is necessary to install or unzip the VIDE program which can be downloaded here, a little later we will use it and, as it turned out, we can’t do without it in the future. First, open the map of interest in the GCFScape program and extract the file xx_xxx_xx_l_0.lmp from the lumps folder, in this case d1_eli_01_l_0.lmp Open this file in Notepad ++ and paste the code For the map map d1_eli_01, take this code { "origin" "-330 4360 -1330" "targetname" "ball" "spawnflags" "67588" "startburied" "No" "physdamagescale" "1.0" "hintlimiting" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "disableshadows" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "angles" "0 192 0" "classname" "npc_rollermine" } { "origin" "-330 4360 -1330" "TemplateName" "ball" "CriterionDistance" "2" "CriterionVisibility" "2" "Radius" "256" "MaxLiveChildren" "1" "SpawnFrequency" "1" "MaxNPCCount" "1" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "maker_ball" "spawnflags" "0" "angles" "0 194 0" "classname" "npc_template_maker" } Of course, it was not me who invented this code, but simply took the d1_eli_02 card from the original file, on which the player receives a harmless mine scooter, unable to cause any harm or cause the slightest damage, and slightly corrected it. It would seem that now the d1_eli_01_l_0.lmp file is ready for use, just put it in the maps folder and start the game, but in fact, if we try to load the map now, the game crashes with an error message. The fact is that the first line of the file contains a certain amount of what it contains and arbitrarily changing its contents we lead to a mismatch and the game refuses to load the level, just because of the need to solve this unexpected problem and it becomes necessary to use the functionality of the VIDE program. Now, carefully, if you did everything correctly and did not violate the file structure, run this program, click on the penultimate Entity Lump Editor icon and open our file in the window that appears. We make a minor change and change it back to the original one, for example, instead of "rendercolor" "255 255 255" write "rendercolor" "255 255 250" and then again "rendercolor" "255 255 255", this is done so that the program corrects the first line about which I mentioned a little higher and now the card can be safely loaded without unpleasant surprises, close the window and click Save, on the question Specify custom lump size? select No. You can still use such a utility for adjustment which can be taken here For some cards, it will be necessary to rename xx_xxx_xx_l_0.lmp to xx_xxx_xx_l_1.lmp because if you open hl2_pak_dir.vpk using the GCFScape program, then sometimes in some cases the xx_xxx_xx_l_0.lmp file will already exist in the maps folder of the archive. game and start the map again. This is what the code looks like so that the mine roller would not be hostile to the player and have a shock attack, it will run away as it approaches :) { "origin" "-330 4360 -1330" "wakesquad" "0" "sleepstate" "0" "uniformsightdist" "1" "squadname" "squad_rollermine" "targetname" "rollermine" "startburied" "No" "physdamagescale" "1.0" "spawnflags" "131589" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "angles" "0 0 0" "classname" "npc_rollermine" } { "origin" "-330 4360 -1330" "subject" "npc_rollermine" "target" "! player" "Reciprocal" "1" "StartActive" "1" "rank" "99" "radius" "75" "disposition" "2" "targetname" "relationship_roller_vs_player_fear" "classname" "ai_relationship" } If you write sk_rollermine_shock 500 in the console, it will do much more damage with its shock attack Disposition parameter values: 1 = hate, 2 = fear, 3 = like, 4 = neutral
Choosing a Spawn Place When the game has found a suitable place where you want a mine to appear, then go to that place, write cl_showpos 1 in the console and the pos position of the player pos: xxx xxx xxx will be displayed in the upper right corner, or you can write getpos and then those will appear in the console itself the same coordinates, these coordinates will be the value of the origin parameter of your code, this is the location parameter of something on the map. You can find out the name of the current map by opening the console and in the upper right corner for example Map d2_coast_12 will be written. To load this map, write to the map d2_coast_12 or changelevel d2_coast_12 console. If you write maps * in the console, then a list of all the cards available in the game appears. d1_trainstation are the chapters Arrival and Great Day, d1_canals Through Canals and the Water Barrier, d1_eli East Black Mesa, d1_town We don’t go to Ravenholm, d2_coast Highway 17 and Sand Traps, d2_prison Nova Prospect and Confusion, d3_cld! Our patrons and d3_breen Dark Energy. My origin parameter values for some maps: Half-Life 2 map d1_eli_01 "origin" "-330 4360 -1330" map d2_coast_05 "origin" "6200 -12050 1850" map d2_prison_05 "origin" "1425 855 450" map d2_prison_08 "origin" "-896 1295 1040" map d3_c17_01 "origin" "-6705 -1242 64" Half-Life 2 Episode One map ep1_c17_01 "origin" "4630 -360 -180" Half-Life 2 Episode Two map ep2_outland_02 "origin" "-3150 -9330 -830" map ep2_outland_06a "origin" "5050 50 -2400"
Teleport Delivery It turned out to be possible to carry a mine through the teleport Now are possible walk with rollermine from east black mesa to citadel without recompiling original maps d2_prison_08 { "classname" "info_landmark" "targetname" "prison_to_c17" "origin" "-896 1295 1000" "hammerid" "9327" } { "model" "* 36" "classname" "trigger_teleport" "StartDisabled" "0" "spawnflags" "1" "origin" "128 8 1360" "targetname" "teleport_end" "target" "teleport_end_target" "hammerid" "8983" } { "classname" "info_target" "angles" "0 0 0" "targetname" "teleport_end_target" "origin" "-896 1295 1040" "hammerid" "8991" } d3_c17_01 { "classname" "info_landmark" "targetname" "prison_to_c17" "origin" "-7250 -1436 -10" "hammerid" "4317" } { "model" "* 28" "classname" "trigger_teleport" "spawnflags" "1" "targetname" "teleport_to_lab" "StartDisabled" "1" "origin" "-7210 -1380 15" "target" "teleport_end_target" "hammerid" "4318" } { "classname" "info_target" "angles" "0 284 0" "targetname" "teleport_end_target" "origin" "-7202 -1164 24" "hammerid" "4743" }
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