General guide for Population: One

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Download and install Population: One on your VR headset. The game is available on the Oculus Store for Oculus Quest and Oculus Rift platforms.

Launch the game from your VR headset's library or menu.

You will be taken to the game's main menu. Here, you can choose to play solo, duo, or squad mode. You can also customize your avatar and select your loadout.

Once you have selected your mode and loadout, you will be placed in the game lobby. You can use this time to chat with other players or practice your movements.

When the game starts, you will be dropped into a virtual world where you will need to explore, loot, and fight other players to be the last person or team standing.

To move around, use your VR controllers to walk, run, climb, and glide. You can also use your controllers to shoot, reload, and switch weapons.

Keep an eye out for loot crates, which contain weapons, ammo, health packs, and other useful items.

Be strategic in your gameplay. Try to stay in the safe zone and take cover behind buildings or terrain. Use your height advantage to spot other players and take them out.

Communicate with your team using voice chat. Work together to take down other teams and stay alive.

The game ends when there is only one person or team left standing. If you are the winner, celebrate your victory and get ready for the next round.

General guide for Population: One


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