Awesome campagin! Thanks to you I learned how to kill witches back in 2014. This need to play everyone! 6\5
Awesome campagin! Thanks to you I learned how to kill witches back in 2014. This need to play everyone! 6\5
Not bad.
Really good campagin. good levels, not spotted situation like "were we need to go?! wth is that?!" Easy to complete alone and funny to complete with friend\randoms. Really not bad campagin. 4\5
Best Campagin ever!
Best campagin ever! not just "run and shoot", Here you need to You need to think well the head if u wanna complete the level. Long campagin, we take it in 5 hours without walkthrougths or something else. Bugs or something like this are not spotted. 10\10 This need to play everyone!
So scray.