• 2 Maps
    Crescendo Collision (Fixed Patch Remaster)

    One crescendo event after another from all the stock campaigns Multiple various panic events from random chapters of the official campaigns Short campaign lasting only two small chapters, now fixed and patched Dug out of the infamous ...

    • Updated
  • 7 Maps
    Demomania 2
    Beta N/A

    i dunno what i put description here Musics Used: Boombots Bonus theme (in demo4_quiz) crash bandicoot pinstripe potoroo (in demo6_hotel)

  • 5 Maps
    Cold Front

    After fighting their way North through ravenous hordes, Nick, Coach, Ellis, and Rochelle abandon their boat at a nearby dock due to a collapsed bridge. With nowhere else to go, the survivors head inland in hopes of finding rescue. Unbe...

  • 6 Maps
    广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.12

    -简介 由 Nick 带领的四人小队登上了直升机,故事开始于比尔四人组在离直升机不远的地方,他们得知最后的疏散地点设在市中心广场。 -须知 此地图一共有四个部分,如果在游玩过程出现紫黑格或ERROR模型请确保你已经订阅下载好另外三个部分(PART)。 ...

  • 7 Maps
    Resident Evil 3

    A Left 4 Dead 2 campaign based on Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Things you have to know: -I changed the name (Raccoon City Nemesis) to avoid problems of people who dont know this campaign is based on Resident Evil 3. 0. This is no...

  • 7 Maps
    Resident Evil 3

    A Left 4 Dead 2 campaign based on Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Things you have to know: -I changed the name (Raccoon City Nemesis) to avoid problems of people who dont know this campaign is based on Resident Evil 3. 0. This is no...

  • 5 Maps
    Anemoia - (backrooms)

    [h1] Anemoia [/h1] I fell in love with that word, nostalgia for something never lived... In the shadow of yesterday, the soul plunges, Sighs for moments that never were, Longing for a time that is lost, Yearnings for a past that...

  • 6 Maps
    Cambalache 2 - Total Remake

    (English description at bottom) *ROKU: Level design - Custom props and textures *SKESSLER: Tester - Custom zombies *BATATA BIÓNICA: Músico - Productor de la version "tango" del tema de L4D2 *Muchas gracias a todos mis tester!...

  • 5 Maps
    Day Break

    It's been a long road since I started this project shortly before Left 4 Dead 2 came out, but I'm happy to share with you my custom campaign: Day Break! The survivors must escape San Francisco before the military bombs it! After their...

  • 6 Maps
    Dead City 2

    Kill plenty of zombies starting in RiverSide (city) then battling through the Back Alleys, over a Draw Bridge, at a Military Outpost finding yourself at a Water Plant and during the escape at the Subway Station. This is the Latest Upd...

  • 6 Maps
    Cambalache 2 - Total Remake

    (English description at bottom) *ROKU: Level design - Custom props and textures *SKESSLER: Tester - Custom zombies *BATATA BIÓNICA: Músico - Productor de la version "tango" del tema de L4D2 *Muchas gracias a todos mis tester!...

  • 5 Maps

    人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全回部精力都献给了人生最答宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。 ...

  • 5 Maps
    City of the Dead Redux (L4D2 Version)

    City of the Dead Redux is a remake of City of the Dead originally released back in 2016, from the ground up. It incorporates the same general ideas of the original, while improving upon them. The Survivors must make their way thr...

  • 4 Maps
    King PlatteLAN

    King PlatteLAN A small 4 map, campaign i made long ago for a lan party for friends. Years later, i gave this mod some love, and heavy improvements for public launch, its still a short campaign, but fun for sure! Enjoy...

    • Updated
  • 5 Maps
    Suicide Blitz 2

    Four new survivors must make their way through an infected city to escape the zombie apocalypse! :Recommended - First play with Game Instructor on. :If you experience crashes on map change (Lower end systems) turn Paged Pool Memory to a...

  • 6 Maps
    Back to school

    The storyline offer new setting of Borden city, struggling to survive in an epidemic apocalypse alongside with four heroes from the original L4D. They are getting a chance to save themselves, since US marines are coming back in the aband...

  • 6 Maps
    City 17 : Aftermath

    "Love and gratitude, never say never." Survivors who escaped from "City 17" meet new adventures and challenges. Now a mysterious and abandoned mine is waiting for them, which is inhabited by a strange survivor. But that's not all, the...


Browsing 'Versus' Maps

There are 348 results.
  • Map
    RTCW - mp_beach

    It's a small map, dedicated to the RTCW and L4D2 community. This is the first beta version, a conversion of the original RTCW mp_beach map. Survivors must obtain the top secret documents, then safely escape from the basement after trans...

  • 4 Maps
    Deadbeat Escape

    Survivors must make their way through the rural outskirts and into the city with hopes of finding the evacuation center in time. Deadbeat Escape is a four-map campaign that supports coop and versus. EDIT: Thanks for all the comments! I...

  • 5 Maps
    Firetower Trail
    Beta 8.4

    Can you make it to the fire tower? Bust your way through the Zentech cooperation facilities until you get to the campgrounds. From there, make it to the fire tower... it's one of the last safe places to spend the night.

  • 5 Maps
    Dead End (beta)
    Beta N/A

    Im working on this. If you find any problems contact me. FIXED THE LIGHTING!! Thanks to MustardSauce for helping me :) I am planning on making Dead End a campaign/versus map, with The Dead End as a scavenge/survival map as well as plan...

  • 5 Maps
    The Farthest Cry
    Beta N/A

    'Desperate for a way out of the chaos engulfing the nation, the survivors catch a last second flight into the vast South Pacific in search of a potential island refuge. But upon a hard landing they find a once bustling tourist spot worse...

  • Map
    Let's Build: Catacombs

    The catacombs are a deep and ancient ruins that have taken the lives of many adventurers whom have stepped at its front door. Our survivors find themselves taking the challenge of the catacombs in hopes of escaping to a much safer place ...

  • 3 Maps
    Drop Dead Gorges

    Originally conceived and heavily tested as a versus campaign, version 2 constitutes a pretty big art pass, a significant addition of custom content, and small tweaks to the geometry for both vs. and coop. Though coop is encouraged and c...

  • Map
    The Sacrifice - True Ending

    What really happened that day? Digging up some old content to bring you The Sacrifice - True Ending! The Sacrifice - True Ending gives Bill a proper sendoff! Play, Enjoy, Rate. Thanks. The Fish

  • 6 Maps
    Revenge: The Final Chapter
    Alpha 5.8

    The survivors van crashes in an abandoned city, then they soon find out they are not alone and they might run into an old friend. This is the final campaign for the 'SpeedBoost Campaign Series'. I wanted to make this because I though La...

  • 5 Maps
    The Bloody Moors

    Survivors have fled the USA to seek safety in England, but crash land on the bleak wind-swept Yorkshire moors and must fight through isolated old cottages and stables, a filthy canal and apartment building, an old cemetery and ruined chu...

  • 7 Maps
    Half-Life 2: Water Hazard
    Beta 7

    REQUIRES additional addon to display textures: Half-Life 2 Texture Pack (linked below) Chapter 4 & 5. This campaign is very long and rather difficult! Be Warned! Also includes the 'Black Mesa East' chapter but compared to the rest of t...

  • Map
    Let's Build 2 Core

    The core to the sequel Let's Build a Rocket. This powerful setup allows players to freeform build their forts and defend their base against zombies! Included are source files and a playable example map. Help make Let's Build maps better ...

  • 4 Maps
    Dam it 2! The Director's Cut

    Much longer first map with a longer walk in through the forest. Cross the bridge and enter the opposite side of the Dam complex then head back across the water and in to the main complex up the elevator and to the top of the Dam for a be...

  • 4 Maps
    Dead Series

    This is the latest version (v5.0) but look out for v6 coming late Q1 2024.. (Hopefully !) 😅 4 Survivors escaped and stole a hummer in the military base in witch they were experimented on...🧟 As they began to distinguish the city on...

  • 5 Maps
    Highway To Hell

    Another Update. Now Available in Steam Workshop! The streets may seem devoid of anything civilized, but make no mistake. The military owns this town and is not going anywhere anytime soon. That being said, the apartment you've been hidi...

  • 4 Maps
    Downtown Dine

    Welcome to Downtown Dine. The neighborhood just isn't what is used to be. The citizens of the Downtown Chamber of Commerce attempted to stave off the infection. With the help of local military forces, they set up checkpoints, health faci...

  • 3 Maps
    GoldenEye 4 Dead

    Search "GoldenEye 4 Dead - Fixed" for a fix for the map 1 crash (site won't let me put URLs in the description) The N64 classic meets the undead. Battle through familiar environments such as the Arkhangelsk Dam, the Chemical Facility an...

  • 4 Maps
    Urban Flight

    The city is burning. As ash falls, the survivors attempt to flee to a small military airfield on the other side of the river. It's a straight path down the main boulevard, but nothing is ever simple. Crashed cars, blazing fires, police b...

  • 5 Maps
    Frozen: Chapter 2

    This campaign is after the events of Beginning Hours. 'Winter is here and the survivors were barricaded in a section of the city of Gurnee in Northern IL by the military, the military soon got overrun by zombies. Now out of food and zomb...

  • 4 Maps
    Escape From Valencia

    4 custom maps based on real places from Valencia, Spain. Coop, versus and survival modes available. Some minor bugs are known, but the campaign is fully functional. It includes models and textures deleted by Valve's last update, so no pa...

  • 3 Maps

    You have been kept as human test subjects in an underground biological weapon research facility. A brief power failure has allowed a dangerous mutagen, code-named ZMB-13, to escape into the environment, turning everyone in the facility i...

  • 5 Maps
    Never Ending War: Chapter 3

    Never Ending War was a campaign started in mid March 2012 and has been worked on since, It is a 5 map campaign (Started as 4 but had a lot of time on my hands to fix it) Has voice actors, custom graffiti, custom textures, and a custom ta...
