Received 1 Awards. See Awards
  • 1

Reviews by TRAUMA

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    - Was good looking in some areas
    - Nice long Campaign
    - Interesting Areas
    - A challenge


    - Some Crescendos were a bit far fetched?
    - Two Crescendos as soon as you start?
    - Breaking wood alerts a horde?
    - Opening a door alerts a horde? Don't know about you, but  I'v opened thousands of doors, and this has never happened..
    - Navs missing in places
    - Some items were placed unwell
    - Camera at the end was terrible
    - Some models were missing for me?


    I didn't really enjoy this campaign at all, found myself complaining half the time. Two manning this on advanced was not easy and provided a challenge which I enjoyed, but as stated in the Cons, some areas were not very desirable. It needs quite a lot of work to be a finished product, but overall, it was a bit of fun.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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