
I am a critic.I will test your maps and give a review on them.No matter what,I'll be cruel (oh,just kidding).

Reviews by Frowner

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    The moving (or my perspective) subway train in the beginning
    The campaign feels like Crash Course
    Subway was interesting enough
    L4D2 one...well pretty much the same but with more fixes 
    Dead Center like finale.


    Dark areas
    Didn't know where the alarmed cars
    No gas counter (not a con though,well,thats L4D1)
    Gas cans too hard to get,at least you could texture them in a different way
    Tank spawns are too dangerous in the second level,which a tank on the roof knocked me off the roof,PLUS two tanks were on the roof.After I killed one,the second one spawned.But that might be the AI director being cruel on Advanced too.
    In L4D2,Spitters can spit through and fall through the subway vents,blocking the way.
    Quitted playing the map after the second map.
    Police car can knock down the barricade but can't move on without fuel?Pfft.


    Not the best map,but who can complain about it.Since its worked on it,cannot say anything.But I say it should be improved.Well,at least a little bit.

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