
Reviews by bmacmillan

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  • Pros:

    -Great detail very believable.
    -Map is playable in Co op and survival mode.
    -Strong use of  capillary areas in both game modes. 
    -Playable at night or daytime
    -Director has a lot of areas that it can use to block and redirect the player in the map.


    -Map is very short for Co op.
    -Some players will get lost in Co op mode.
    -The Credits at the end don't show your stats and are to long and can't be skipped with out just leaving the game.


    Normally survival maps are very boring but this ones use of capillary and detail make it more interesting. I loved the use of the directors ability to alter the level and I feel this is the biggest most exciting part of L4D2 and it's almost used but valve and custom map makers. 

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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