
Reviews by piedpiper

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    Great sense of mood
    Well thought out
    Very Fun


    Somewhat bland looking
    No Smokers on the Roof
    Minor Pathing Issues


    I hope people give this map a chance.  It's not flashy, but it makes up for that in substance and game play.  
    There's a story to be told here in the details.  Who was that buried out back?  Who used to live here? Why are there so many adrenalin sticks in the kids bedroom? 
    The map feels balanced.  There's no one obvious best spot and no obvious terrible spots.  Each area feels weighted with pros and cons.  No doubt a competent team can earn gold, but they will have to do just that:  earn it.
    Overall pathing seems fairly good.  Common Infected and Specials were all able to reach their destinations, perhaps with some slight confusion along the way.  Tanks often seemed to take the long way around when more direct routes were available.    You do get the sense that mobs come from all directions, and that is to the maps benefit.   However, one side of the house seems completely closed off to outside influence.  It might be worth more destructible walls just to create balance, for example the side wall in the living room.  I think it might make for more interesting game play if more of the deck were destructible.  
    Having said all that, the map is a great success because it is fun and balanced.  I've spent a significant amount of time on it and it is fun and interesting every time.  Great job.  Look forward to more from you.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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