
Reviews by JonOfTheShred

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  • Pros:

    - Awesome way of taking arguably the best campaign from Left 4 Dead (love the small town setting) and adding all new twists and turns.
    - The hard rain effect in map 3? EPIC. More custom campaigns outta use this, its an effective gameplay mechanic when used correctly.
    - DARK. This shit is dark, feels like the BETA L4D screens look like.


    - Level 4 would've been EPIC with the rain, perhaps even better than Level 3 was.
    - The shortcut, after being broken, should be ale to be used AFTER you die as well. I was playing single player and chose not to finish the campaign after dying twice.
    - No zombies at the start of Level 4? One of my favorite parts of the L4D games was this section of Death Toll. Just sniping away at all the zombies, every shot a head shot, or even using the assault rifle to hit a bunch of long-distance head shots.
    - You called this campaign Clam Toll when you SHOULD have called this bad Larry...


    One of my favorite custom campaigns. A bit tiresome on single player, but well worth it. Great atmosphere, very cleverly designed, and makes you feel nostalgic for the days of the 2-level No Mercy demo and FIRST getting Left 4 Dead and playing through the levels for the first time.
    Solid work. Valve should consider hiring you to remake all of their L4D campaigns for Left 4 Dead 2

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