
I hate profiling messages...

Reviews by Ihateusernamestoo

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    Well designed
    Custom vocals
    Fun gamemode
    custom world physics
    Narrow hallways = Melee effectiveness
    Forces you to keep returning to one spot and maintaining it then set off to another.
    Intro is nice as always
    custom music


    Several Bugs (I know its beta but these need to be pointed out)
    When lifting the door, if you are too close, you get pushed outside. and with all the baricades in place you cannot reenter the house.
    The map itself IMO needs to have a decent cinematic crescendo event (Other than random tanks appearing in the doorways and the initial button press)
    The ending kills everyone, forcing you to replay the map, and hindering the ability to return to the lobby to choose another campaign. (When on LAN parties for example you would have to rejoin with everyone to start a new map)
    2 more that aren't worth mentioning


    The classic survival mode and defense game mechanics used in building maps are always rewarding. However the bugs pointed out give room for improvement. The custom aspect of the map was rather unique as the gamehelper even showed you where to go and what to do, making easy for first time players of the map. However the 'ending' of the map was rather anti-climatic seeing how you just ventured 15 minutes slamming boards on the wall and killing gobs of zombies simultaneously, finally got everything boarded up, and you're safe.... until everyone drops dead before the credits come along. The replay ability is very low though since it  is always the same each play through, excluding what the player does different. Nevertheless it was still an enjoyable map. 

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