
Reviews by Creeping_Infected

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  • Pros:

    - More military-like.
    -Shine-spots are good.
    -Wood texture looks more realistic.
    -Firing sound sounds like an actual gunfire.


    -Firing animation is rough.
    -Idle stance of carrying it makes the hand look fat.
    -Brass look bland in some parts.


    I really like the style of the Avtomat Kalashinova. It looks like the military has been here and actually attempted to save this part of the infected world. The wood textures are eye-candy and the shine spots are well placed. The firing sound actually sounds better than the original, choppy one. Too bad that the firing animation is rough when you are rapid-firing but its smooth when you fire one shot at a time. The idle stance of carrying it makes the hand looks fat for Zoey and Rochelle. Sometimes during the reloading animation, the brass looks unpolished in some parts. (including the middle area) but overall, great skin!

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