
Reviews by SeeEmilyPlay

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  • Pros:

    - Nice design
    - Adequate weapons
    - Plenty of throwables, pills & adrenaline
    - I like how some areas continue with hordes until you move forward
    - Decent amount of events


    - Some areas are confusing which way to go, but once figured out it's ok
    - Not a fan of the respawn to the end safe room if everyone dies. I prefer to try again if we fail a level


    Overall I like this campaign, though I think the finale is a little easy as you can gain distance from the Tank easily enough due to such a large area. More Tanks in finale might make it more challenging, and perhaps hordes/tank spawning on the other side of the chopper to even the playing field.
    The amount of hordes throughout the campaign is good, and in some areas tanks and hordes continue to re-spawn until you leave the area - I like this; makes it like a semi-running event. Good work.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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