
Reviews by CommanderX24

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  • Pros:

    Large clip
    Fast firing
    Pretty much an infected demolisher
    Large clip


    Not enough reserve ammo.
    Fires a bit too fast to the point where i can tap and fire 2 shells
    The reload is a bit buggy and can be misleading in the heat of battle.(but no points taken away.)
    Horridly inaccurate
    Uses M16 sound or customs sound for M16


    A pretty good mod if you feel like messing around in L4D2. But only for that really. It  would be a satisfying mod if you: Made the pistols a bit more accurate and damaging, shotgun reserve ammo was like 120 or 150, lowered the firing rate just enough to where i can tap and shoot 1 shell. And made an addon script to make the mi6 use pistol sounds or uzi sounds.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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