
Reviews by farenhiet

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  • Pros:

     - Absolutely breathtaking attention to detail.
     - Great atmosphere, actually making the area fit into the L4D universe
     - Working bowling and skeeball, that surprisingly isn't completely broken
     - Plenty of custom models and textures, that actually work
     - Enormous area to explore, let alone survive in


     - No dialogue
     - Can't go into all the buildings (although, the map may be at it's limit)
     - Sewers seemed pointless


    One hell of a map. It's simply beautiful with it's custom props, texture, and 1:1 representation. It's really big and gives you a lot of different areas to camp out in/run to. Referring to an earlier post by the author, apparently the map is near its entity limit, so it might be impossible to expand to other interiors, although if it isn't, I'd definitely like to see them. I'd also like some survivor banter. I know it's just a survival map, but I'd like to see the survivors actually "be" there. There's allot of Ellis lines that could fit here, I know for a fact there's a community line from him about movie theaters. I'm also wondering what the manholes where for. This is truly an amazing map, but I am wondering, how did you get the custom models to work even during the Sacrifice update? I thought that screwed up all custom models. Anyways, you're an amazing mapper, now go finish Seaholm!

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