
Just trying to make it through the day

Reviews by Metalhead13

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    Voice and music fits 
    Great overall appearance  (I'm not that particular about perfect textures)
    When she gets angry, she REALLY gets angry!
    Most fascinating "Witch" mod I've ever come across


    Does not replace the "Bride" Witch in "The Passing" (I guess that can't be helped)


    Honestly, it's the only Witch mod I use.  It reminds me of the "Stay Puff" Boomer mod.  Nothing so serious since it's also about having fun with it while playing.  
    I highly recommend this mod to those who're not too serious about the horror stuff.  Then again, seeing a famous Vocaloid go freaking nuts and trying to tear you apart is frightening enough!

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