
Funk is its own reward.

Reviews by MoTussin

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  • Pros:

    Beautiful displacements and global lighting.
    Can placements in Scav.Mode spread just far enough to be a bit of a challenge but not prohibitive.
    Most survivor spots are a good bloodbath (and beyond!)
    CN Tower model and Toronto setting...... EFFING EH!


    One or two spots a bit easy for survivor,but this is more of a nitpick than an issue.


    This is a great map, arguably the best I've played in a long time. I have tried several from this site recently (reviews are coming) and this is the only one i have had no problems starting from the lobby. I followed the README and my friends and I were painting the snow red together NO PROBLEM! Others have all crashed out lobbies for all but the first person into the game. It's a shame that Valve has not fixed the .vpk issues but cheers to Oilcake for finding a way around that. I'm sure I'm giving a couple of bonus points for the Toronto setting but, be it. The CN Tower and the bank buildings are spot on. It is not quite a perfect map but it is damn close, I look forward to seeing more. Respect!

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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