
Reviews by duzz***

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    Excellent and unique sound
    Good animations (more detail in my conclusion)
    Hard to go wrong with tactical-black color scheme


    Size ratio of weapon to characters is a tad off, but when actually playing there are too many zombies to worry about, so I wouldn't worry too much about the ratios.


    Overall a great mod. The two absolute "make-or-break" attributes of any gun mod for me, especially AK mods, boil down to the sounds of the weapon and the recoil in relevance to the game's "realism" itself. I'm very glad when I see especially an AK mod, such as this one, that doesn't have ridiculous recoil compared to how realistic this game isn't, nor with sounds that are so loud that they make my ears bleed compared to everything else in the game (and the ones on this mod are fantastic)
    Keep up the good work

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