
Reviews by mummyjohn

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  • Pros:

    Unique setting
    Well made in terms of using text hints, hordes at specific times etc., it's not JUST a map.
    Unique progression, not just "kill zombies move forward."
    The ending reminds me of Zardoz.


    The 'weapon caches' were not obvious for first timers.
    Progressing through might be too confusing for impatient players.


    This is a super-cool map, I love the design.  It's tremendously creative and I wish I had come up with something as neat as this.  The space skybox looks really good - I really get the sensation of a vast endless universe - and there are plenty of opportunities to see it. Love the flying saucers at the opening and ending.  Best of all, this map is just plain weird - a combination of a strange space station, Mayans, and as I said above, a Zardoz-esque head at the finale.  All in all, LOTS OF FUN!

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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